#STWT 225: Anne Heche and PedoGate Silence, Infowar Network Follow Up, and More...

#STWT 225: Anne Heche and PedoGate Silence, Infowar Network Follow Up, and More...


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This is episode 225 of the #STWT live show. During this live show we covered a myriad of topics that the pirates were intrigued by. The main topic of the evening was Anne Heche’s very odd death. First we started with some off the chain videos, and then quickly got into the clown show that is the Donald Trump FBI raid. Next up was the Anne Heche situation and how it looked very odd with conflicting reports. She sat straight up on video from multiple angles, and was working on Room 13 a film about human trafficking. Anne joins a long list of other names such as Paul Walker, Isaac Kappy, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, Serena Shim, Monica Peterson, etc. that were killed while exposing human trafficking. This was analyzed in depth.

Next up was a deep dive into the Alt Media shill network I exposed in the “?” documentary. First off the “Alex’s War” twitter account blocked me for no good reason. The Documentary “Alex’s War” was hot garbage. Alex Jones also got caught sending Roger Stone naked photos of his wife. There was a Jim Bakker, Lyndon Larouche connection missed in my doc but added to this film that connects to the Belt and Road. Jason Bermas is scared of me and was shook live. Jordan Sather made a guest appearance to remind us why he dropped out of college. Alex Stein is scared of me and PodAwful and trolls in general even though he calls himself “King Troll Alex Stein Primetime 99”. Jason Goodman Crowdsource the Truth rises to destroy the e bike menace of NYC. Nick Fuentes endorsed Zionist larper Laura Loomer for congress despite Laura’s past working with Jacob Wohl, the same Jacob Wohl who took money from Ghislaine Maxwell. Defango and Lestat’s true colors were shown in the light. Kino Casino was terrible, Andy Warski and PPP felted themselves. Shaun Attwood is a dumb clown.

Next up we analyzed the fall of society worldwide as the bankers collapse the economy and bright forth CBDC’s and smart city gulags. Factories are on fire, people are eating insects, the kia boys are stealing cars, the world is getting worse. Meanwhile the politicians are selling out to China and the Belt and Road Initiative bringing Chinese social credit systems global is continuing. Mexico is getting spicy as the cartels kick off a small war.

The Corona Kings are being made to look stupid, and crypto currency such as Ethereum and Shiba Inu look ready to rebound. Cicada tokens have done well lately and Pirate Chain is still the best. We ended the show with spicy content from Chicongo and other locales in Mexico. Cheers!

Show Notes: @titusfrost/show-notes-stwt-225-anne-heche-and-pedogate-silence-infowar-network-follow-up-and-more

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