Show Notes for: #STWT 252: Millstones for America First while the Bankers Align the for World War Three

Show Notes for: #STWT 252: Millstones for America First while the Bankers Align the for World War Three

Millstones for AF.jpg

Show Notes:

News Show Notes:

The Psyops never end:

Climate Change:


AF Gay Pedo Cult…

Strange Nick is not in trouble?

Intel agencies?

Nick Fuentes the facts:

Controlled Opposition:

Nick is straight?

Jaden Gang felts AF:

Ethan Ralph lites em up:

How to deal with pedos:

Latino Zoomer:

Nick’s new account?

Nick on Ali:

Nick Fuentes and Ali Alexander:

Nick on ali meme:

Odd symbols:

Gay Lolicon weirdos:

#Millstones for AF:


Teddy got feasered:

AF Censorship:

Nick Fuentes bodies buried everywhere:

Zherka just gross:

Isabel Riley Moody:

Moody 2:

Mr Beast and Pedos:

Leafy is Here:

Cicada and Thomas

The larp:

Do you know Jeremy?

Bffs Mossad:


Trump indicted again:

The Obama Chef:

F Joe Biden:

Clinton’s cleaning house:

AI and Smart City Gulags

Mark of the Beast Trending on twitter:

The future…

Mark of the beast:

Israeli Backdoors:

Google cars:

Robots under attack:

CBDC mark of he beast stores:

AI Fighter jets:

China Belt and Road / GDI Initiative

Italy leaving the Belt and Road:

Chinese Agents Allegedly Paid 2 US Sailors for Info on Ships, Facilities, Exercises:

Niger Belt and Road wars:

Taiwan wargames:

Ukraine War:

Gonzo Lira:

Gonzo is Gonzo:

Guilty and CRP knows it:

Drone hit Russian ship:

The First Amendment

Federal Government violated 1st amendment:

Suppress voices?



Western Nations Destroyed from within

San Francisco:

Union station NYC:

Screw white people:

NYC protest:

Cop v full auto:

Oakland is out of control:


Medical Industry is Corrupt:

Proper Nutter:

Why put it on?

Evil Building:

Free Cheeseburgers and fries:

They hate you, flouride for no teeth?


Who is Q?

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