Today in History: Albert Einstein Born

On March 14, 2017, the world was shocked by the death of physicist Stephen Hawking it was on the same day in 1879 another physicist was born.

He is Albert Einstein, inventor of the theory of relativity.

This son of a Jewish listri engineer was born in Ulm, Germany. After spending the children in Germany and Italy, Einstein then studied physics and mathematics at the Federal Polytechnic Academy, Zurich, Switzerland.

At that time, Einstein chose to become a Swiss citizen and in 1905 he earned a doctorate from the University of Zurich while working at the Swiss patent office in Bern.

In the same year, Einstein published five theories that would have a major impact on the development of modern physics.

This year is what many physic historians call the annus mirabilis or the miraculous year of Einstein's career.

One of the theories presented by Einstein, titled "Heuristic View of Production and Transformation of Light".

There, Eisntein theorizes that light is made of individual photons that behave like particles at a time when collectively are like waves.

This hypothesis, which is an important step in the development of quantum theory, emerged from the results of research on photoelectric effects.

This theory will then give Einstein the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.

In the second theory, Einstein presented a new method of calculating and determining the size of atoms and molecules in a space.

While in the third theory, Einstein offers a mathematical explanation of the constant erratic motion of particles held in the liquid, also known as the Brownian movement.

This latter theory shows the irrefutable evidence of the existence of atoms, which at that time was still a debate among scientists.

The fourth best known scientific work is what he calls the special theory of relativity.

In special relativity, space and time are not absolute, but rather a relative movement from the point of view of the observer.

This theory replaces Newton's view of space and time and includes electromagnetism as written by Maxwell's equations.

This theory is called "special" because it applies to the principle of relativity in the "particular" or "special" case of the inertial reference frame in flat space, where the effects of gravity are negligible.

According to Einstein's theory, the speed of light is the same for all observers, independent of the observer's observed velocity relative to the light source.

In his fifth theory, Einstein explored mathematical formulas for a special theory of relativity. He says, mass and energy are the same and can be calculated by the formula E = MC2.

Although Einstein's revolutionary theories were not directly accepted by the public, they made him able to enter into the circle of prominent European physicists.

He also went on to earn professorships at universities in Zurich (Switzerland), Prague (Czech), and Berlin (Germany).

In 1916, Einstein published "The Ground of the Theory of General Relativity", which says that gravity, like motion, can affect the intervals of space and time.

According to Einstein, gravity is not a force, as Isaac Newton postulated. Gravitation according to Einstein is a curve field within the space-time continuum formed by the existence of mass.

An object with a massive gravitational mass, like the sun, will appear to warp space and time around it.

This can be demonstrated by observing the light of a star that crosses the sun before it reaches Earth.

In 1919, scientists who studied the solar eclipse verified the predictions that Einstein made in his general theory of relativity, and this statement instantly made Einstein a "celebrity".

Then some other matters relating to general relativity such as Mercury's planet orbit shift and the possibility of the existence of black holes are also justified scientists.

Over the next decade, Einstein continued to make contributions to quantum theory and began to work combining the various theories he hoped could include quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity as an explanation of the workings of the universe.

As with public figures, Einstein also began to become political. He supported Zionism and opposed militarism and plans to rearm Germany.

This statement made Einstein unpopular in his native country and after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Einstein's status as a German citizen was revoked and he left the country.

He then settled in the United States and worked at the Institute for Advance Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

Einstein remained in New Jersey for the rest of his life working and while relaxing he chose to sail or play the violin.

In 1939, despite his belief as a pacifist, Einsten agreed to write to US President Franklin D Roosevelt to represent scientists concerned about the US reluctance to develop atomic weapons research.

Like other scientists, Eisntein is also worried that Germany will be the only country with the deadly weapon.

However, Einstein was not involved in the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb that was later dropped in Japan.

In 1955, Albert Einstein, one of the most intelligent brains in world history, died at Princeton.

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