Hello stemian 😀stay up for a task,, the spirit of pursuing the dream

Predicate that is based on people who have a well-known nickname of this student would be the center of public attention up to the community down. Agent of change is certainly not necessarily free from the trap of academic tasks. Instead academic and non academic tasks are ready to bind students. Not a few college students who initially just simply pleasing his parents or just a mere prestige if not college is now only able to mourn his fate with seabrek tasks given by lecturers pengampu subjects with frills when not doing assigned task then the value of course not will be good or it could be in the next semester

This is a scourge for students who have not fully understood the world of lectures that they know are copy-paste duties friends or from the internet. This is exacerbated by increasingly easy internet access just found that there is no time limit to access it. All instant. Indeed, it is not wrong if the university and faculty provide wifi access but what happens I encounter in every lecture activities there are mahsiswa who use wifi as he likes to open sites that deviate from the teachings of religion. Wifi is not used to access lecture materials. A duty roll will be collected by students proudly doing SKS (overnight racing system) in fulfilling the lecture assignment. The paper, the power point that should be done long ago this agent of change can do it with a few hours, well that's The Power of Kepepet




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