Week #7 events and emotions

This week was very fast and intense, but at the same time it was exciting! Here are main events of passed week:

  • I got an permission to visit swimming pool. It took me 2 days, 100 ml of blood (for medical purposes, of course), but now I finally can officially swim in our local pool! Tomorrow at 7 a.m. is my first training, and I hope that I have enough will power to wake up so early🤞
  • There is first snow here on campus. Usually it drops something about mid-December, so in the end of October it looks quite strange. In our university there is a joke that when the first snow drops it's time to start doing your hometasks. Luckely, I don't follow that rule)
  • Today I wrote my first smart-contract on Solidity for our project. Aclually, the most complicated thing is JavaScript, on which I wrote tests to the contract. I haven't even seen JS code until today, but that fact didn't stop me! At this moment I have around 30 Google tabs about Solidity testing and JS. For such a newbie I think I'm doing well - I understood main principles, but there is still much to do.
  • About my education - I succesfully passed probability theory test (got 4/4), and I keep preparing for calculus colloquium (it will be on this Friday). Other subjects are also under control, but there were no events there. By the way, I found out that discrete analysis and formal languages theory are most complicated for me above all other subjects - I don't really like our teacher on these subjects, and sometimes it's hard for me to do tasks. I also skipped one lesson in September and lost many rating points on this.
  • I played football again. This week I scored a brace and won a game for my team (we play up to 2 goals), and was really proud of that😌 My friend and I also played together thi evening, and it was one of the most coldest football games ever - at +3 Celsium, freezing cold!
  • Just 2 hours ago I got confirmation that I will receive an additional educational grant - about 250$ per month. Maybe it doesn't sound like something great, but you have to know 2 facts: first, my previous grang was around 70$ per month, and second - I actually don't spend so much money, because dormitory and food are very cheap. That means that I'll be able to allow myself some more expenses - that's great, isn't it?

Ufff. It looks like one of the longest my posts here - previous week was busy. But I feel encouraged and motivated to keep going, and that's really great.

Stay tuned!

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