Week #4 events and emotions

That was quite a week!

Firstly, during all week the weather was incredible, and everyday I woke up and enjoyed a breathtaking view from our balcony (we live on 16th floor). This fact really encouraged me to be productive and effective in my study, and it was awesome! Sadly, next week is going to be pretty rainy, so those views are going to become much less beautiful.

About my educational process now. I finally got my calculus test results, and I scored 6/6! I was shocked, disappointed and at the same time extremely happy and proud! I also solved one complicated algorithm problem which I've been trying to deal with during the whole week, and when I finished it, I naturally started jumping around my table screaming and laughing😅 (by the way, now it sounds really strange, but in the moment it seemed very logical). I have a bunch of deadlines on ongoing week, but I hope that I will finish all my tasks successfully.

And now about some events of passed week.

  • My friend and I contacted Google engeneer and had a phone call with him! That was amazing experience, he told us many interesting and useful things. We are going to apply for Google internship, and he gave us some advices and recommendations.
  • We also started a new project in blockchain. It is based on soul-bounded tokens, and it sounds really interesting!
  • Yesterday I hosted a colloquium for first-year students (that's wy this post is on Tuesday), and it was one of my first times in my life when I was a teacher, not student. Students prepared really well, and all of them passed this mini-exam. Anyway, this was very interesting experience for me.

That's all what this week was about. Stay tuned!

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