Finals and what they do to students

If you are reading this instead of studying you are a classic case of a "sog" (studie ontwijkend gedrag) or in English a student who is trying to postpone everything. But why is this?

I myself am a university student and in the last year I see more and more extremes. There are students who are sitting in the library scrolling over Facebook and watching YouTube videos while there are students who you can't slap away from behind their books. And than there is this trend that worries me. Students taking drugs to focus.

It concerns me that society pushes young people that hard that they grab for drugs to succeed. Is it really more important to get a degree at a university than living a healthy and stable life? I think this topic needs more attention. Everyday we hear on the news that young people are committing suicide rather than talking to people. My brother went to England for a semester two years ago and was completely surprised by what he saw there. There were student with a burn-out because they just couldn't get out of bed anymore after studying for months with just a little sleep.

Dear people this can't be what we want our future generation to be. Depressed, suicidal and for what? So that they can show you a little piece of paper at the end. Students today are so anxious not to succeed but the real joke is that they are to tired to do anything anymore after they come out of university. They need a year to recover. So is it really necessary to put students trough all of this?

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