Student life is a period of preparation for all the problems that and individual and a community face.It is a period when a man fills his mind wits the fuel of ideas to set sail on the voyage of life.It is rightly called the seed time of human life.
There is no rose without thorns,no rights without duties and no pleasures without wonder then that a student has certain duties to perform.He has to discharge duties to his ownself,to his parents,to his family,to his country,to the wide world and what is more to God.
the fast and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge.But he must not confine himself to the prescribed books only.this kind of reading will widen his mental horizon and enable him to be acquainted with many things of the world.
good health is the key to success.In order to enjoy a good health a student must observe the rules of health.
A student ken go on excursion and picnic with his fellow students.Excursion will increase his Knowledge.His mental outlook will be broad.
A student can render many social and benevolent activities He can teach the unlettered the importance of family planning,malnutrition,sanitation,population explosion etc.These activities enable a student to gain practical training in humanitarian work.

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