Aceh People's Struggle Against Indonesia's Independence through Aircraft RI-001 Seulawah


If you are to Aceh, stop at Blang Padang Square, Banda Aceh, where the replica of the Dakota RI-001 Seulawah airplane is immortalized. Indonesia's first transport aircraft are very meritorious in realizing the country's independence. Proof of love and patriotism of the people of Aceh towards the republic.

The plane, named Seulawah or the golden mountain, referred to the name of the volcano in Aceh Besar - is the embryo of the first commercial airline company in the archipelago, Indonesian Airwasy, now known as Garuda Indonesia.

This aircraft was purchased from the donation of the people of Aceh at the request of Sukarno who came to Aceh specifically, mid June 1948. In his meeting with Military Governor Abu Daud Beureueh at Hotel Aceh, beside Baiturrahman Great Mosque, Banda Aceh, the first President of Indonesia cried, the people of Aceh to help fund the purchase of aircraft.


The goal is to strengthen the country's defense and inter-island relations, through the Dutch blockade that began to dominate most of the archipelago following the second Dutch military aggression. The central government of Indonesia in Yogjakarta itself was then dominated by the Dutch.

"I will not eat tonight, if the funds for that are not collected," Soekarno said in a meeting waged by the Indonesian Saudagar Association of Aceh (GASIDA).

Chairman of GASIDA, Muhammad Djuned Yusus who attended the forum, immediately menyanggupinya. Together with Said Muhammad Daud Alhabsyi, he led the Dakota Found, a fundraising committee. Merchants donate money and gold. While ordinary people participate collect agricultural products and farms to be donated to the committee. As a result within two days collected funds equivalent to 20 kilograms of gold or 130 thousand Singapore dollars.


Another version mentioned, then Daud Beureueh who compassionate with Soekarno directly ordered Abu Mansor, his secretary to collect donations.

According to the Aceh History Observer, Abdurrahman Kaoy, at that time Abu Mansor came to Atjeh Market to collect donations from residents who are in the traditional market next to the Baiturrahman Mosque. "They willingly provide jewelry, gold, and all valuables to donate," he said.

Before returning to Java Island bringing the Acehnese donation, in a grand meeting with the people of Aceh in Blang Padang Square, Soekarno berorasi invites the people of Aceh to help the struggle.

"I ask you youths, young women, scholars, brothers, sons of the army, all employees, all the commoners gathered here, throughout the region of Aceh, let us continue to struggle," he said.


During his visit to Aceh, Soekarno also gave a special message to Daud Beureueh that he called Kakak, to invite the people of Aceh to help the struggle to expel the Dutch who still entrenched in various regions of the archipelago.

"I ask for the help of my brother to have the Acehnese take part in the armed struggle that is now raging between Indonesia and the Netherlands, to defend the independence we have proclaimed on 17 August 1945."



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