What happened when I was 16

Okay when I was 16 I had a son named Chris whom my mom took from me so like any other 16 yet old I went to party. Well one day I was with a "friend" we were riding a four wheeler. Worst mistake of my life. She was driving wreak less. She pulled in to a dirt road without looking, all of a sudden we got hit by a Dodge ram. Then I wake up in the hospital. The amputated my left foot, put rods in my pelvis and my upper and lower left leg. I broke two bones in the back of my neck, my liver, kidney, spleen, lungs and ribs where messed up. I actually died three times. ☹️. I spent a month in the hospital 1 1/2 hours away from home. Then they released me to a impatient rehab. Where I had to learn how to function on my own in a wheelchair. Luckly my parents let me move back home. After another month my dad brought me home. It felt so good to be with family. I thought it could only go up from here. I lied. Everyday I struggle with one leg. Emotionally, physically, and mentally. Someone once told me "god gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers." This saying helps me get through the day. Even tho is had been 4 years, everyday is emotionally and physically challenging. As a stay at home mom I face different challenges. Some I can do some I can't. My leg and scars takes away my confidence. Who wants to be with somebody with one leg? Who would love a person like me with all these mental, physical, and emotional problems? FB_IMG_1504934206359.jpg

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