How to combat stress effectively

It takes 15-20 minutes a day to reduce stress, relax consciously and leave all your daily worries behind.

But relaxation does not mean lying down on the couch without doing anything, perhaps in front of the television. On the contrary, the exact opposite is true: without us noticing it, thoughts continue to revolve around our daily problems and, in this way, failing to leave us behind, we do not allow ourselves a moment of change, increasing stress instead of reducing it. Not only that: this attitude favours discontent and at the same time spoils our appearance, also damaging sleep, and this increases stress even further.
A vicious circle from which one can, however, move away with a very simple way out: active relaxation, better if it represents a sharp contrast with our everyday life.

As soon as stress affects our body, action must be taken without delay. Because when the level of the body has been reached by now, it gives us clear signals: digestive problems, stomach pain, headaches, constant attacks of herpes or muscular contractures; all these can be evident symptoms of stress, difficult to overcome. Then try to find out the causes of stress and limit them as much as possible, as well as include relaxation exercises, sports or targeted breaks in your everyday life.
Sport is a good choice in any case, as are the different relaxation techniques, but also a dinner with friends, tidying up at home, an improvised visit to a museum or reading a relaxing book are actions that encourage rest.
If possible, try to find an occupation that is in contrast to the daily routine: if you are active all day long and run from one commitment to the other, a small wellness program, such as a sauna, can relax as much as an evening at the cinema with friends or a dinner in a nice restaurant. On the other hand, if you are all day long at your desk a relaxing activity, such as an hour's gym, can provide the necessary detachment.

If you are ambitious people, who are reluctant to relinquish responsibility and believe that the world would stop without you, you will easily have a willingness to work to the point of exhaustion, without realizing it. This, however, can make you irascible, constantly nervous, even choleric. Before you reach exhaustion, look for the right solution to take a break: in your case, first of all, you must try to reduce the workload by allowing yourself some breaks to do something nice but quiet. Sport is fine, but only if it does not put you under pressure again. Be careful not to impose new destinations even in moments of relaxation and sports; absolutely suitable for you are the Tai Chi or yoga.

If, on the other hand, you are people to whom everyone is happy to turn when they have problems or need help, it is clear that you have a predisposition to be always available, ready to help and brought to harmony. Precisely because you always seem capable of doing everything, no one ever thinks of relieving you of some weight. To try to break down the stress that this generates the first step is learning to say no more often and, above all, take a space for you, whether it be for a yoga lesson or even just for a sauna. At regular intervals give yourself a day dedicated to beauty, in which you only think about yourself. You don't necessarily have to go to a spa, you just need a relaxing and prolonged bath or a good facial mask.
If you're a habitual person, until everything runs smoothly and regularly, you're in the stressful but balanced category. But as soon as something unexpected happens, start irritating, you are frustrated and insecure, and you also infect others with your stress. To relax, try to find an occupation in your free time that is not completely predictable, such as fencing. Practice regular relaxation through autogenic training or proper breathing: thanks to these techniques you will also learn to quickly regain control of yourself and your daily work. In cases of particularly intense stress, learn to unplug for a short period of time, inhale and exhale deeply, therefore concentrate only on the essentials.

Relaxation in no way works if you fail to noticeably reduce the main cause of stress.

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