4 ways to strengthen the bones

4 ways to strengthen the bones


The bone body is called 'support system'. So it is necessary to keep the bones strong and healthy. Regular exercise and balancing food for bone health is very important. Lifestyle website Boldsky has said some ways to keep the bones strong

1. Dance

Is a good exercise to raise density of bone. It works to keep the bones naturally strong. And dance will also make your mind better.

2. Vitamin D Supplement

Do you know that Vitamin D has an effect on increasing bone density? Because, vitamin D works to increase the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is available in sunlight. Mushroom, cheese, eggs, salmon, tuna fish etc. Vitamin D Apart from the doctor's advice, you can eat vitamin D supplement.

3. Running

Running is very good exercise. Running from one to two minutes per day affects the bone. It stimulates bone cells, increases bone density.

4. Balanced diet It

Is very important to eat balanced foods to keep the bones healthy. Foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts and marine foods. Among them are Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium and Phosphorus. They keep the bone good. Source

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