Street Clean-up by the Government Employees of Cordova Municipality

Good evening Philippines, a clean and green sorrounding to all Steemians.


Sharing this picture of people who were cleaning the street going to the beach a week ago. Like many others, my family used to do jogging, walking and performing some basic exercises on the spacious vacant lot near the beach in our town. This is the best venue for families to experience fresh air, a lot of visitors joining here during weekends and holidays, our mayor preserved this area that is free to all. A lot of people coming in with their SUV's for the purpose and mostly having a picnic.

Seeing my friend who was a traffic enforcer who also did the cleaning, I asked if what group of volunteers they are to do the task. I learnt that all the public employees in Cordova were obliged for the town's cleanliness drive. They were deployed in different areas, his group was assigned on the street from the highway going to the seaport.

It is inevitable that some visitors may leave trashes after eating, maybe they forgot to take them home. Food packages and tetra packs were the most common garbage.

Please visitors, help make our town Cordova clean and green, bring home your trashes.


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