Videos & Steem

Hey Steem,

Curious a bit with this topic as I haven't seen much or bothered to search about it. Would kind of prefer to ask my own questions for it, than to go by someone else experience, or context.

I've been considering getting into game play videos, tutorials, etc, you know the whole 'Hey guys, I'm on youtube', or platform of choice, and I have recently stumbled onto this great thing called Steem.

Anyway, random talking aside and all;
What would this community be interested in seeing in regards to a content creator (very low expertise) coming to Steem to try create an image of themselves, or even to help others along their journey?

There's a few things that I've always thought about doing which I will list after this to show what I myself enjoy seeing, pros and cons naturally.

Game play Videos
This category is naturally the first I'd mention being a gamer myself, but there is a huge audience out there and a huge supply. So I get a little hesitant with it as there's no real supply and demand for it and in the end it's all based on what's really trending, so it can seem stale after a while ~ '100th video of the same shit' and all

Not too sure what could be brought to the Internets attention about gaming from my own list of skills (there is like 4 things on there now), and feel as though the whole gaming entertainer needs a bit of a shake-up to what they offer as creators.

Who knows, I could be the next .. Pewde... Delirious? But lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Unboxing Videos
I love watching these things, and it's probably why i'm left disappointed on my birthday or even Christmas after I have unwrapped that mysteriously wrapped package to find out what it is, only to be left with nothing else to open. Ahem..

The videos are generally fun and relaxing to watch.

But again, as listed above, big supply, kind of. Should have just made that a bullet point at the beginning, but you got this far so I should keep you reading. It gets better, I promise.

Who knows, this could be the way I go since I already listed I love to open things. Nothing like waking up in the morning to find you have a new delivery or package to open (subtle OMG), that crinkling of the package as you tear the tape from it's outer shell, to then slide out its contents.

Hmm, Writing this kind of pushes me towards an unboxing series, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I am here to see what the Steem community would be interested in.

Yeah I know, "If you enjoy it do" - someguy , so we'll see.

Vlog Videos
Have always thought about this as an option. Not only to become a content creator, but to help with my own self esteem. Yeah I can honestly say I have an ego, and I am happy. But a lot of times it can hit me that, you know, I'm not happy, people think things about me, etc. The general hurdle of life, for some.

I feel a Vlog(s) would be a great way to climb that mountain of self doubt, eventually, and get the confidence I had when I was 9 years old and playing in the mud.
But, yeah there's always a but, Pros and Cons remember; But I wouldn't really know where to start with a Blog. I'm currently working in a Network operations job which I love, and I will one day become a network engineer, in my 30s (never to late to have dreams).

At the end of the day we all have spare time, I'm here trying to find something to do with that time. hell, if I can make or learn something from it then it's a bonus.

Let me know your thoughts. I don't expect anything for posting this, so save your votes for something that makes you smile or gets you thinking.

Thanks for reading :)

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