Steem, Stratis, and Ethereum gunning for the Crown!

So everyone is speculating on who is going to be the front runner of the new Crypto race! With all of the contenders out there right now the leaders are Bitcoin, Lite coin and Ethereum at the moment but all this is about to change as different platforms and merges combine to make new waves in the crypto ocean.

There saying right now this crypto race is compared to the beginning of the internet so right now were around 1992. The Grateful Dead are Touring and the American Dollar is quite strong with a booming economy. Major companies like You tube and Google haven't even been created yet. Snap-chat and Instagram are 20 years in the Future.

Right now Ethereum has the leading edge in applications but it was never designed to be an ICO platform. Its been pumped by venture capital. Meanwhile Stratis is making a splash and isn't yet recognized as a major contender at the moment but all this is about to change as there are monumental announcements coming later this week regarding a merger with Microsoft.

Stratis offers simple and affordable end-to-end solutions for development, testing and deployment of native C# blockchain applications on the .Net framework.

The Stratis platform has been designed to serve enterprise and organizations of all sizes and it’s particularly suited for those that run their services on the Windows /Microsoft environment.

I believe Stratis will overtake Ethereum and be gunning for the crown before we know it! Its so easy to use and makes Blockchain easy for the laymen!

Technology for 2017 includes

-Privacy Protocol
-Breeze Wallet (Stratis Support)
-Breeze Wallet (BTC<>Stratis)
-Stratis Side Chains (TVE Onboarded)
-Stratis TumbleBit Service
-Tumble Service B2b / B2C

  • Stratis Fullnode GUI
  • Straits Smart Contracts

Go to Market for 2017
-Stratis Smart Contract PoC
-Global BizDev Activities
-Stratis Academy Training Certifications
-Events Participation
-Stratis BaaS Readiness
-Ramp-Up Consulting Services

Get involved now while its still a baby because this is going to grow fast!

I have started a new group on Facebook called Crypto Currency and currently going to be dropping everything to maintain the leading edge in this new field of blockchain technology with information on how to safely buy Bitcoin, Lite Coin and Ethereum. Please check it out here

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