On the way from my experience

At night a shopkeeper was going to shut down his shop, at that time a dog shop arrived ...
There was a shopping bag in the dog's face, in which there was a list of things and money ...
The shopkeeper filled the bag with the goods in the bag.
The dog picked up the bag and was leaving ...
The shopkeeper turned his back on the back of the dog to see that the owner of the dog is so ...
The dog was standing at the bus stop, a bus came and the dog rode on it .....
When the dog came closer to the conductor, the dog raised the neck, his neck belt and money was written in the address .....
The conductor also kept the ticket with the dog's neck belt.
The dog came forward in front of his stop and pulled the tail to point to the conductor and the bus started to stop ...
The shopkeeper was following the back .....
The dog came in front of the house and knocked his door twice on the door ...
From the inside, his owner put a couple of dogs on the back of the dog with his stick ...
The shopkeeper became more surprised by the reason the owner asked the reason ......
The owner said ........ "The cloak broke my raw sleep, the donkey could not carry with the key .... ???"
This is the same true of life .....
There is no end to human expectations from you ...
Wherever you are a little wrong, people will take out your blame and forgot all the good ones ..... !!!
Therefore, continue to do your work, people will never be satisfied.
(wrker.jpg ... .. Collected by)

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