Storytime with Knee - Headhunters of the Amazon, Chapter 10, Highway Robbery

Ok, so if you saw my last post (which, to be fair, I haven't shared through the usual channels), you'll be aware that the gap between chapters is mostly due to the recent loss of my beloved Nana Dodo. So this video, I can't say I'm mad on, I recorded it about 6 weeks ago, and was gonna re-record it and do a better version, but it's just been low enough on my time priorities to only really get around to doing it now (and even now, it's Friday, and I'm pretty sure I set it to upload on Tuesday, till it eventually timed out and I had to try again on Wednesday and then something happened yesterday and now I've got two half-uploaded videos to clean up.

AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnyway... I'm hoping to get at least one more chapter done, it's starting to get a bit of momentum again, looks like he's gonna go meet some frikkin headhunters soon, at last! And then..... well, then folks.... I'll be on my way to try this whole living in New Zealand clusterfuck out again, with the renewed approach of REFUSING TO LIVE IN CHRISTCHURCH SWAMP, going for the horizontal rain, green hills and grey skies of Dunedin.

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