Photo Assignment contest/Back to our paradise

This is my creation for participation in the contest promoted by @gamer00.


That rainy winter morning, I remember as if it were yesterday that day, the drops of water were still running through the branches of a grape vine that was part of the roof of the house, I liked to play with my sister under the vine, the increase in temperatures, it leaves its resting state and restarts its activity. It will be impressive to see that first sign of vitality my mother told us it was known as "weeping": the plant secreted a colorless liquid that emanated from the pruning cuts for about three weeks.
My mother loved taking care of that garden with a lot of love, she dedicated time of her life to prune that vine and keep it healthy for its next flowering.
Then, my sister and I were playing under that creeper, when suddenly, we heard the cries for help from my father, it was my mother had gotten very bad, we should go as quickly as possible to the nearest hospital, which was 8 hours of our town.

Accelerate Venancio that my wife dies and my children are still small !, was the exclamation of my father just as we crossed a large bridge that communicated my town with the big city, I did not know if we would cross it back to our home , were so many questions that passed through the mind of a 6 year old child. But surely it was one of the most painful experiences of my life, for sudden reasons, we were leaving everything behind.

I only listened to those cries of a desperate and loving man at the same time, who in his anguish and pain could only express how hurried I was in taking my mother to be treated quickly. After traveling for so many hours I remember stopping at a gas station to supply the car, there we quickly used to go to the bathroom my sister and I, we did not utter a word just went and returned as my father had ordered, to continue our journey.

After 2 more hours of travel, after leaving the service station, my mother has a slight recovery and, she sees my father's eyes with that sweet face that characterized her, she asks him; stop for a few minutes to cool down in a very clean river that they knew, but he insists on continuing, but when he insists he agrees and looking at his eyes he says: "thank you love, I knew you would stop, even over your pain you have strength and desire to please, I wanted to stop in this wonderful river to remember those moments where we play as children here, do you remember, Pedro? ". My father with his worried face answers: "If my beloved, I remember it".
We continue our tour and very soon we would enter the city.

They left us a family home and my mother told us; have peace and faith soon we will see each other and we will be together, pay attention to papa ok. We waited the next day to know about our mother but we found out that she would be in the hospital for a while, and we did not understand why we can not see our mother, because we are being denied the possibility of at least seeing her? We insisted with our father and he agreed to take us to the hospital. On the way, he tells us that they might not let us go to where he was, but he would do everything possible for us to see him, because he understood the lack that the Contact with our mother. When we arrived at the place we saw the insistence of my father with everyone in the hospital, Soon we would find out that we could not reach her. Then a caretaker at the hospital tells my father that he would help him get as close as possible to his wife so that she can be with her children.

So we stayed for long 3 months until our father woke us one morning with excellent news that we would go back to look for Mommy that cold hospital to return us to our paradise.
It was the day I remember happiest of our lives with a healthy mom and returning to the place we loved so much.
We did not see the time or the hour that this day would come, so long were the nights but at last our dream would come true, so my mother said to my father: "Thank God that we are coming back to our home together and healthy, do you think? ", and dad always willing to please his family stops just to please us and bring smiles from our faces, stops the car and, inside it with our hands we pray to God:

Our Father who are in heaven, thank you very much for all that you have allowed to live with my family, we do not have how to pay you for the favor received, thank you very much, for sustaining us and thanking us with all the medical personnel that helped my wife and thank you for our relatives, who took care of my children and of me all this time, sir.

these photos that I present were taken by me and taken from my facebook.

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