My Story

I was born in Plano Texas. Soon After my family moved to Allen Texas where I was raised. When I was very young I would spend as much time as I could running around outside chasing rabbits, playing tag, and who knows what else. But it wasn’t long before I realized that there were serious problems embedded in modern society.
This started when my Mom died of cancer. I knew there was something wrong besides just the fact that cancer is a deadly disease. I soon realized that cancer is only a symptom of much larger issues. For many years after this I was confused and didn’t know where to turn and I was blown too and fro by the winds of the doctrines of the world. But my family loved me and I am blessed to have someone who I can once again call my Mom through adoption.
After High School things begun to improve. At first I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life so I went to community college and started taking classes. After a few years I finally knew that I would never be able to work in an office and that I needed to work with the earth in some way.


So I went to NE Texas where I received an AAS in Sustainable Agriculture while I was working on a small farm out there.  On the farm there was a blueberry and blackberry field, big vegetable gardens, bees, sheep, pigs, chickens, cows, horses, and even a zebra.  This gave me valuable experience and so now I know not to get a zebra because they are mean.
For a while I didn’t know what I was going to do after I got my degree, but I did know that I wanted to live in the country.  One day I won a ticket to go to Austria for an agriculturally related conference with Sepp Holzer.  This changed the course of my life.  I showed Sepp Holzer pictures of the land that my Grandpa owns and he immediately said that I needed to get to work on the land there.  It didn’t take long for me to realize that he was right.


By this time my brother had helped me realize once again that Jesus Christ is the one and only savior of the world.  And I realized that I am blessed by him who gives me life.  He has given me a place to live and land to work.  In the past 2 years I have made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot.  By the next spring I will be working with a full ¼ acre market garden and that is only the beginning.  
I have now graduated from Tarleton University with a BS in Business Administration.  I have begun market gardening in Bosque county under the name Hansen Farm.  I have planted Blackberries, asparagus, fruit trees, and lots of vegetables while also doing work for others in the area.
As I look back on my short life so far I see that the seemingly worst thing that could of happened to me, my mom dying at a young age, actually changed my life for the better in a way that no one could have ever predicted.  If it was not for her death then I would probably not be doing what I am doing today and I definitely would not be writing this.  And so we all must remember:

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28

Daniel Kern

Please read all of Romans 8. Romans is life changing every time that I read it.

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