
Hi everyone,

On my research recently, on time management, I realized that most times, people get too busy with work and other activities that they fail to create time for family and people they love and love them dearly.

For some with a kid(s) when asked, like I did for most people around me, like friends, colleagues and other, I asked, "How much time do you spend with your kid(s) in a week?" I got several answers, one of them said "of course I see them everyday each time I return from work and that's good enough, because after all I'm working to make their lives better" another answered and said " Of a truth I'm a very busy person, but a bit free over the weekend, but I ensure to spend my free time with my kids and partner, most times take them out and have fun, they're all I've got and I need to treat them right"

At the end, I got various replies, some creating time for their kids and loved ones, while others saying they are so committed to their jobs and need to give their best, and this kept me wondering.

But a response I got from a friend who is a widower and lives in the United States, melted my heart, he said to me " I learned the hard way", then narrated his story with me, which I would like to share with you all.

One day he said, I was sitting in the living room and preparing some documents on my laptop for my presentation at work, my daughter age 7, walked in and said "dad" then I answered, she then asked "how much do you earn per hour", and I said to her, why she was asking, and she said she just wanted to know, then I ignored.

She asked again and while I was battling with work and felt she was disturbing, I just gave her a figure by saying, I earn $50 per hour and hope she's is satisfied, and that I wanted to be left alone to finish my work.

Shortly after, she said again pls dad could you borrow me $25, I asked her what she needed all that money for, she said, she needed it for something really important, being cranky with the stress of work already, I yelled at her to leave me alone and that I had work to do, immediately she left to her room.

I became sorry for what I said instantly, and I went inside to her room, I met her holding her late mum's picture to her chest and sobbing, I drew her close, comforted her and gave her the $25, and immediately she stood up and went to her wardrobe, brought some more money from her safe, then I asked, you already had money, why did you request for more, she then said " it wasn't enough" so she put the money I gave her with the one she had and stretched it to me and said, "Dad, I saved some money for a while now, and this all is $50, please can I buy an hour of your time, so you can come home early today and have dinner with me?".
Immediately he broke down in tears and hugged his daughter so closely.

And as for me after hearing all these, I shed a tear.

No matter the position one could hold at work or business, no one is indispensable, should anything bad happen and a person dies, he/she would be replaced as soon as possible, and life at work would always go on.

Create time for your loved ones, learn to be happy and smile with them always, because they are the ones who would truly miss you the most should something bad happen.

Do have a nice time everyone


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