One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of the Porter and the Young Ladies: Third Night



After drinking, dancing, and sexual word games, the porter was authorized to spend the night at the palace, at the condition that he does not interfere with anything he may be witness to.

Then, three one-eyed men knocked on the door and were admitted under the same condition.

Then, there was another knock on the door. Who could that be?


Sheherazade said:

So the porter said to the young lady: “Tell me its name!" And she answered: "The basilisk of the bridges!" Then the porter exclaimed: “At last! Praise be to Allah for your salvation, O my basilisk of the bridges!"

After that, the cup and saucer were passed around. Then the second young girl took off her clothes and threw herself into the pond: she did as her sister did, then got out and went to throw herself into the porter's lap. There, beckoning to her thighs and the thing between her thighs, she said to the porter: “O light of my eye! what is the name of that?" He answered: “Your crack! She exclaimed: “Oh! the abominable words of that boy!" And she hit him and slapped him so hard that the whole room resounded. And he said: “Then it is the basilisk of bridges!" She answered: “No! No! and went back to slapping him on the neck. So he asked her: "But what is his name?" She replied: “The peeled sesame! »

The third young girl then got up, undressed, and went down into the pool where she did as her two sisters did; then she put on her clothes again and went and stretched herself on the porter's legs, and said to him: "Guess his name!" motioning her to her delicate parts. So he began to say to her: "It's called like this, it's called like that!" and ended up asking her so that she would stop hitting him: “Then tell me his name!” She answered: “The inn of Aby-Mansour! »

Then the porter got up, took off his clothes, and went down into the pond; and his sword was swimming on the surface of the water! He washed his whole body as young girls had washed; then he got out of the basin and threw himself into the lap of the doorkeeper and stretched out his two feet in that of the provider. Then, with a sign pointing to his male attribute, he said to the mistress of the house: “O my sovereign, what is its name?" At these words, the three of them were seized with such laughter that they rolled over on their behinds and exclaimed: “Your zebb!" He said: “No!" and took a bite from each. So they said, “Your tool!" He replied: “No!" and took from each a pinch of the breast. And they, astonished, said to him: “But it is indeed your tool, it is fiery! it's your zebb, it's hectic!" And the porter each time shook his head, then kissed them, bit them, pinched them, and hugged them; and they laughed extremely. They ended up asking him: "Tell us his name!" Then the porter thought for a moment, looked between his thighs, winked, and said: “O my mistresses, here are the words that this child who is my zebb has just said to me:

"My name is the powerful and uncastrated mule, which grazes near the basilisk of the bridges, delights in rationing itself with shelled sesame, and lodges at the inn of my father Mansour!"

At these words, they began to laugh so much that they rolled over on their behinds. Then they all began to drink again from the same cup until night approached. So they said to the porter: "Now turn your face and go away, showing us the breadth of your shoulders!" But the porter exclaimed: “By Allah! it is easier for my soul to leave my body than for me to leave your house, O my mistresses! Join this night with the day that has just passed, and tomorrow everyone can go and see the state of their destiny in the path of Allah!" Then the young provider intervened and said: “By my life! O my sisters, let us invite him to spend the night with us: we will laugh a lot at him because he is a bad subject without shame, and moreover full of kindness!" So they said to the porter: “Well! you will be able to stay with us tonight, on the condition that you come under our control, and do not ask us for any explanation of what you will see or the reason for anything!" So he said: “Yes, of course! O my mistresses! And they told him: "Get up then and read what is written on the door!" And he got up and found on the door these words written with gold paint:

Do not speak of what does not concern you, otherwise you will hear things that will not please you!

Then the porter said: “O my mistresses, I take you to witness that I will not speak of what does not concern me!"

The provider got up and put the food in front of them, and everyone ate with delight. After which, the candles were lit, the fragrant woods and the incense were burned; then everyone went back to drinking and eating all the delicacies bought in the souk, especially the porter, who at the same time was still saying well-paced verses while closing his eyes and shaking his head. And suddenly there was a knock at the door. But that did not trouble them in their pleasures; yet the young portress got up and went to the door, then came back and said to them: "Our tablecloth will, in truth, be fully open tonight, because I have just found at the door three Persian men with shaved beards and all three blind in the left eye. And, really, this is an amazing coincidence! I quickly saw that they were foreigners who must come from the country of the Christians; and each of them has a different physiognomy, but all three are perfectly pleasing in appearance, so ridiculous are they. So if we let them in, we would have fun at their expense!" Then she continued to speak persuasive words to her companions who finally said to her: "Tell them then that they can enter but set them the condition clearly by saying to them: "Do not talk about what does not concern you, otherwise you will hear things that you will not like!" And the young girl ran joyfully to the door and returned bringing the three one-eyed men: and, indeed, they had shaved beards, and, moreover, they had twisted and tucked-up mustaches, and everything about them indicated that they belonged to the brotherhood of beggars called saâlouks. As soon as they entered, they wished the audience peace, stepping back in turn. Seeing them, the young girls stood up and invited them to sit down. Once seated, the three men looked at the porter who was in full intoxication and, when they had observed him well, they supposed that he belonged to their brotherhood and said to themselves: “Oh! but he is also a saâlouk like us! He will therefore be able to keep us friendly company!" But the porter, who had heard their reflection, suddenly got up, and gave them big eyes and put his eyes askance and said to them: “Go! Come on! So stay calm, for I have nothing to do with your good graces! And start by observing what is written there, on the door!" At these words, the young girls burst out laughing and said to themselves: “We are going to have fun with the saâlouks and the porter!" Then they offered food to the saâlouks, who ate well! Then the portress offered them a drink, and the saâlouks took turns drinking and passing the cup frequently from the hands of the young portress. When the cup was in full circulation, the porter said to them: “Hohé! our brothers! Do you have in your bags some good story or some wonderful adventure that can amuse us?" At these words, they were greatly stimulated and heated and asked that the instruments of pleasure be brought to them. Then the portress immediately brought them a drum from Mosul garnished with bells, a lute from Iraq, and a flageolet from Persia. And the three saâlouks stood up: one took the bell drum, the second took the lute, and the third the flageolet. And all three began to play, and the maidens accompanied them singing; as for the porter, he was bustling about with pleasure and saying: “Ha! ya Allah!" and he was so amazed by the magnificent and harmonious voices of the performers.

Meanwhile, a knock was heard again at the door. And the doorwoman rose to see who was at the door.

At this point in her narration, Sheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.

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