Folk Tales from Gascony: Grain-of-Millet, Part 2.



The Bishop of Lectoure’s car left. When it was far away, Grain-of-Millet said to his father:

“Father, why did you not sell me, for a thousand pistoles, to the bishop of Lectoure?"

"Grain-of-Millet, I care about you."

"Father, sell me. I will know how to return home."

"Grain-of-Millet, what I didn’t do today can be done another time."

"Father, go home. Soon the field will be plowed. Trust me to bring the oxen back to the stable and to groom them."

What was said was done. Once the field had been plowed, Grain-of-Millet brought the oxen back to the stable. But, while grooming his cattle, he fell into the fodder and was swallowed by Caubet.

Worried at no longer hearing their son, the sharecropper and his wife entered the stable, shouting:

“Grain-of-Millet! Grain-of-Millet!"

"I am in the belly of Caubet."

"Grain-of-Millet! Grain-of-Millet!"

"I am in Caubet’s belly."

"Grain-of-Millet! Grain-of-Millet!"

"I'm in Caubet's belly!"

Then the father went to get a large cutlass, bled Caubet, disemboweled him, and threw the guts outside.

“Grain-of-Millet! Grain-of-Millet!"

No answer.

“Grain-of-Millet! Grain-of-Millet!"

No answer.

“Grain-of-Millet! Grain-of-Millet!"

No answer.

"What a pity! Grain-of-Millet is dead."

The sharecropper and his wife went to bed very sadly.

But Grain-of-Millet was not dead. He was unconscious in Caubet's guts and stuck in not being able to respond. When he came to, the stars were marking midnight. At this moment, the wolves, attracted by the smell of the guts, were running from the Bois du Ramier. By the time it was time to say Amen, Grain-of-Millet had passed, with the guts of Caubet, into the belly of a wolf, and was leaving, carried towards the Rieutort creek.

Since he had this little man in his belly, the wolf suffered terribly from colic.

At the Rieutort creek, the little beast swallowed so much water that it suddenly defecated. That done, it set off again, as if the Devil was carrying it.

After struggling so hard, Grain-of-Millet finally got out of trouble and ran to wash himself off at the creek. Of course, it was not really needed.

While washing himself, he saw a man six feet tall, black and bearded. The man seemed impatient and was looking at the stars. When it reached one o'clock in the night, he imitated the cry of the owl:

“Tchot!” tchot! tchot!"

Other cries answered him:

“Tchot!” tchot! tchot!"

They were cattle thieves, who were returning from their misdeeds to the monks of Bouillas, to the castle of Lamothe-Goas, to the bishop of Lectoure, and at the farm of Sewing. These beggars brought back to their captain I don't know how many mares, foals, calves, oxen, and cows.

Source: Grain-de-Millet, from the French book Contes populaires de la Gascogne, tome 3, published in 1886

Part 1

Part 3

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.



I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


Because he is so tiny and nobody can see him, Grain-of-Millet is prone to accident. That is what happened when he was taking care of the oxen in the stable.

But he did not die after this accident. He survived and clean himself up, as he was literally full of shit.

Then he stumbled on thieves. I am sure that he will be careful now and take advantage of this encounter.


I am continuing to collect ZING tokens that will be used in the future game HOLOZING.


The closed Alpha should start before the end of December.
I don't think I will be selected for this closed Alpha, as I don't have enough experience in this kind of game: I never play Splinterlands of Pokemon.

I am still the top contributor: so far, I have earned 688k ZING tokens. 45K more than the second one @poshtoken.wallet and more than 100K more than the third one @acidyo.

Every hour, I am currently getting around 600 ZING tokens, so 14,400 every day. If this rate continues, I will have earned one million ZING tokens in 22 days. As the rate is slowing down, I think I will get the one million earned ZING tokens around Christmas.

Today, I have 620K staked ZING tokens. As I unstake 1000 tokens every day, it will take me 28.5 days at the current rate. So, I expect to reach one million staked tokens at the beginning of January 2024.

-- Vincent Celier

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