love and the affection of a father

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Father in the room, coughing several times While in the living room, the mother was chatting with her daughter.

"Your father's love for you is great, but it's kept more in your heart because you're a girl," she says.
I listened to my mother in amazement.

"When you went to Jakarta and I and your father drove you to the station, you and I hugged each other.
Your father just looked. He says he wants to hug you too, but as an unusual man hugging a girl in front of a lot of people, then he just shakes your hand, then stands up until the train disappears, "said the mother.

"Mother did call you often.
You know, it's always your father who tells and reminds.

Why is not your own father calling?
He said, "My voice is not as soft as your voice, our son must accept the best".

"When you graduate, we sit in the back.
When you go to the stage and the pigtail in your chair is moved by the rector, your father invites the mother to stand up to see you more clearly.

"What a beautiful child we are," said your father, wiping his tears.

Heard the mother's story in the living room, my chest tightness, maybe because of emotion or guilt.

Honestly all this time to my mother more closely and my attention is greater. Now reflected back fatherly affection to me. I remember when I was in junior high grade I asked for a bag. Mom says dad has not got any money yet.

But that afternoon my father came home with the bag I asked for.
Mother surprised. "Not going to the doctor?" mother asked. "Another time.
Gonna drink warm ginger, cough will disappear itself "
Dad said.

Apparently the cost to the doctor, his money to buy my bag, to buy the joy of my heart, at the expense of his health.

"Once after your marriage ceremony was over, your father rushed into the room.
Do you know what to do? "Mother asked.

I shook my head. "Your father prostrates thanks while praying for you.
Her tears soaked the prayer rug.

He asks God to bestow happiness in your life.
If you were overflowing with pleasure, please do not make you forget to dhikr to Him.

If it were given a trial, please tempt it is God's way of improving the quality of your life.

For a long time he bowed down with a sob.
Mom reminded many guests waiting.
He then came out with a smile without any traces of water in his eyelids ".

Hearing all that, my tears were unbearable, spilled over my cheeks.

From the room came the father's coughing again.
I rushed to see my father while wiping away tears.

"Are you crying?"
Dad looked at me to see the rest of the water in my eyes.
"Oh, no father!" I laughed crisply.
I massage her calf and shoulder.
"Your massage is as good as your mother," she said with a smile.

I know, though sick, my father still wants to please me with praise.

That was the first time I was massaging my father.
I saw how happy my father's face was. I am moved.

"Tomorrow my husband will catch up with me, take a week off like me.
Later that afternoon my father went to the doctor, "I said, refusing" This is just a mild cough, will heal itself ".

"Got to go to the doctor, I went home did want to bring father to the doctor, please do not reject my wish", I said lie.

Father paused. Actually I'm just going home on vacation, not to the doctor.

But I lied for my father to take me to the doctor.
I took my father to a specialist.

Dad protested again, he asked a cheaper general doctor. I just smiled.

The results of the father's examination must be admitted to the hospital that very day.
I take it to the best hospital in my town.

Mom asked half a protest. "Where does it cost?".
I smile.
"I bear the whole bu.
Since young father has worked hard to earn money for me.

It is time for me to make money for my father.
I can! I can bu! ".

To the doctor I whispered; "Please do the best for my dad dad, do not consider the cost", I said. The doctor smiled.

When my father was home and I went home, I did not greet, but embraced closely to pay for his wishes at the station first.
"Often father calls me, not just mom," I said.
Mother winked with a smile.

On the way home, I was thinking, how many children do not understand his own father like me.

So far I have not understood how much father love me.
The following days I always prayed
But now with different feelings.

Imagine when the father prostrates on my wedding day until his prayer mat is wet with tears ... how much a father's love is not much different from a mother's love.

May God still give me enough time, for I can make more of my father's feet, embrace and spill my love for Dad. Like my love for Mom .... aamiin ..

Oh God forgive my sins also the sins of my parents, guard them as they took care of me in my childhood ...

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