Lost In A Glimpse (Episode 6)

Dr Stephanie had just pulled off her gloves. She was elated as Joy filled the labour room. A woman had just been delivered of a bouncing baby girl. Her husband stood next to her as they admired their beautiful baby. It was their first child. As the new parents rejoiced over their lovely baby, Stephanie watched them from a distance. She admired the scene. Love was in the air.
Another doctor walked into the theater carrying a first aid box.
"Good evening Stephanie greeted cheerfully". She ignored Stephanie's greeting as she moved to the table next to the newly born. Her hair was wet and covered her face, making it difficult to describe her at a glance.
" well, she. Could be a specialist ", Stephanie shrugged. The doctor opened the box and to everyone's surprise, brought out a dagger. In a split second, she charged at the child's father, stabbing him in the heart. Stephanie was demobilized by fear as the the mother of the child passed out. The killer pulled the dagger from her victim and began to step backwards towards Stephanie. She tried to open the door but the door seemed to be locked. Getting close enough, the killer doctor turned back, facing Stephanie. She was paralyzed by fear. The face she saw was one that made her heart almost burst in terror. The face that looked at her terrified her to the extreme. The face that was looking at her, -the face of the murderer - was hers. As she looked, she was terrified as well as confused. It was as if she was looking at her identical twin sister, yet, she had no sister. She was an only child.
"What the hell is going on?", she thought. "I think I'm going crazy".
At this point, the assailant raised her hand in an attempt to stab Stephanie. She hit the murderer across the face as she tried to escape. Pushing the door this time, it opened. She ran along the hall way, shouting for help. No response. She screamed even louder, to no avail on getting to the reception it was empty. That was when it clear that her situation was even worse. The hospital was empty. There was no one left in the building. Shivering, she made for the door. It was locked. As she was about to kick the door in an attempt to break it, a hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned only to see her assailant. She tried to struggle but she was overpowered. The assailant raised her hand. The dagger was dripping with blood. There was death written all over it. The assailant struck with the dagger towards Stephanie's chest. As She screamed in response to the sharp pain she felt, a very loud alarm rang into her ears. She jumped out of her bed sweating profusely.
" It was just a nightmare", she whispered. Sitting on her bed, she took a deep breath as she looked at the wall clock. It was 6:23am
(.........To be Continued)

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