IMG_20180327_110245.pngimageSergey Mavrodi.

I refuse to only see Mr Sergey Mavrodi based on only the negative impressions he or whoever must have in one way or the other worked in his name created negatively to forget how the other positive or good side of his scheme affected me.

Like the saying always goes:

Nothing in this Life happens by accident.

Everything that happened to us has a purpose or part to play in our individual journey here on earth.
I won't have all the time required to say all as it is, but i will try to hint you on the areas Sergey's invention/scheme affected me personally and positively.

I know that 90% of us here on steemit and globally have idea of who Sergey Mavrodi is, but for formality sake, I will still start with reminding us again who Mavrodi is peradventure someone needs to know.

BIOGRAPHY OF MAVRODI by beranda/Diberdayakan oleh.

Sergey was born in 1955, in Moscow in a simple Soviet “middle class” family – of a worker and an economist. Sergey Mavrodi is a founder and leader of the MMM Social Financial Community. MMM is sure to be his life-work, but not the only one. Sergei Mavrodi, having a degree in mathematics, worked as a programmer and took part in the development of the first operating systems. The company he founded was one of leading computer equipment distributors in Russia. He was a Deputy of the Russian Parliament. His literary works were published and they are sold in book
To read full Biography of Sergey Mavrodi, Click here
IMG_20180327_110639.pngimage Mavrodi.

It was because BITCOIN was inlisted as the major global currency to participate with in MMM ponzi, and the highest percentage paying currency then, after our Local currency, Naira in MMM Nigeria that I came to know ABOUT BITCOIN in the Year 2016.

The role Bitcoin played in MMM made me to start my research about the currency. It was when I was going through MMMNigeria platform WHITE PAPER that I learned about Bitcoin currency for the first time. I became interested in the scheme, when my friend who had been in the MMM platform futher narrated to me about Bitcoin currency and the value.

I Could not know about Bitcoin at that time if not for Sergey Mavrodi's scheme.

After grabbing the little knowledge about Bitcoin, I became so interested in having the coin by any means possible, probably to make more money from MMM Nigeria which paid 50% ROI to participants with Bitcoin and 30% ROI to participants with our Local currency Naira.

In the process of my findings, I learned that I must have a Bitcoin Wallet before one can hold or posses Bitcoin. I was still a novice on how to go about getting a wallet and also in getting the right one. Then, @setapart came in the scene.
My friendship with @setapart was as a result of helping me back in year 2016 with creating a Bitcoin wallet which is still one of my favourite Bitcoin wallets precisely Blockchain walket) I use today. @setapart also was so enlightened about most of the Peer to Peer schemes in Nigeria as of that time, and I was able to grab some knowledge on how to participate in some platforms with Bitcoin.

@hpart is another guy that I learned from too. He was the first person that introduced me to MMM Nigeria using Local currency Naira.

As you can see, all Sergey Mavrodi's invention/scheme back then in Rusia as at early 90s permeated many parts of the world.

If not for the idea from Sergey Mavrodi's scheme that brought MMM to Nigeria, I might still remain a novice or rather wouldn't have known to the extent I know all about Crypto World today.

I met @setapart and many other friends like @uniquegem etc, learn about Peer to Peer, Bitcoin, crypto currency Courtesy: Sergey Mavrodi's Scheme.

Even my membership and participation on steemit today was as a result of the foundation laid through the idea and enlightenment brought about by Ponzi scheme.

Many Nigerian youths got acquainted with online/E-transaction because of the invention of MMM scheme which was an idea created by MR Sergey Mavrodi.

I wouldn't know his intensions of creating ponzi scheme, but i know it affected me positively in a way.

Sergey Mavrodi was so intelligent that he was somehow a threat to Global Financial Institution.
He was a great Mathematician, and in the past has helped the Rusian government/parliament in one way or the other.

It was indeed a great innovation to me, and to many Nigerians who directly and indirectly participated in MMM Nigeria. His scheme gave most of us basic knowledge of cryptocurrency or rather a motivation to research more.

I know that there are many other bad side of Sergey Mavrodi's inventions/scheme, but also I won't let that bury the good and positive impact his scheme brought to me personally

But who are we to say Mavrodi is? A Hero or a Threat?
Farewell Sergey Mavrodi

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