Story Adam and Eve

Hallo steemit, back again with me umar tantawi, Today we see the direct result of the acquisition of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.

It is feasible that the fruit contains a substance that will bring about physical changes that will change Adam's body and Eve so that it will result in aging and ultimate death, but the act of disobedience or insubordination will have a more immediate effect.

While the couple, until now, are innocent they are now experiencing new feelings and emotions.

Some of these we are told about.

Yet before taking part of the fruits that they do not feel ashamed of being naked, now they feel vulnerable and need to be closed.

Their answer is sewing fig leaves to make aprons.

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Then when they heard the Lord coming, they tried to hide from his presence. When Adam was asked why he did this, he mentioned that he was scared, because he was naked.

Clearly his small business to cover up, not only his nakedness, but also his deliberate disobedience, was not very adequate.

It was a new world for Adam and his wife.

By starting to experience the emotional cursing they can understand more fully.

What has, until now, been the existence of a homogeneous paradisaical nutrality, is now beginning to condense into polar opposition.

Being able to experience them both begin to understand and understand that some feelings, circumstances and emotions are more desirable than others. They begin to develop knowledge about good and evil with their own experiences. Unlike our own turbulent experiences as we get out of childhood heaven and into adolescence.

Adam began to learn about cause and effect, that action now has its consequences in the future. The future will be affected by actions taken in the present no matter how unpleasant the future may be to contemplate.

He and his wife were taught the consequences of their choice and from here on Adam referred to his wife as EVE as he contemplated that he would now be the mother of all life.

The interview ended with a very small but interesting.

Adam and Eve were not left naked, ashamed and afraid, so the fig leaves could not cover.

GEN 3:21 To Adam also and to his wife, the Lord God made a leather jacket and bandaged it.
They are only considered and given adequate clothing as soon as there is a layer of skin that has been provided.

This raises the question: What is the difference between the skin layers and the fig aprons?

To produce a layer of animal skin it needs to be killed and the skin healed. Urging a slightly longer process was just a simple interview. It is also a clue to the shedding of blood or sacrifices and that the consequences of disobedience and transgression can not be fully resolved through our own weak efforts.

It was just sacrifice and bloodshed that adequately covered the consequences of the deliberate act of Adam's denial.

This act of Adam and Eve's clothing in a leather jacket, which has been produced at the expense of an animal's life, will also signal blood and sacrifice needed to overcome all the falls.

The previous section of this Series.

Are seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty-four hours? - Where does this come from?

Are seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty-four hours? - Delving a little deeper. Hopefully my post is useful.

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