I Caught Myself.

"Change the way we look at things, the things we look at change"..png
This post is a more of a personal "ah-ha" moment and I felt inspired to share. I had an experience that happened to be a perfect example of how our perception is everything.

I woke up extra early this morning. I really treasure early mornings. Its when I feel the most inspired and usually when I do the bulk of my writing. Mornings to me, are a clean slate before it gets tainted with with anything negative.

I also enjoy driving to get a coffee early in the morning, and as I walked outside, I realized it had snowed some and was still snowing. I will admit, I was pretty disappointed. It’s April 20th, and I’m craving sun, forgive me.

However, I was still in a peaceful mood and was going to still enjoy my drive, but that grrrr feeling was with me.

During my drive there, I was deep in thought about perception and how we as humans need to be selective in how we perceive things. How all the little subtle things we draw conclusions on each day, is part of the bigger picture and how we can raise our vibration.

As I approached the window of the drive through, I said to the lady working, “I don’t know where this snow is coming from.” Her reply, “It must really love us.”

Right there, in that moment, I realized the other option. This was an exact example I was deep in thought about just moments before.

She chose to see it with Love.

Her perception: “It must really love us.”

Which translates to: “We are loveable”

My perception was, “What is this, why am I being punished?”

Which translates to: ’I must deserved to be punished.”

As subtle as this example is, this is where all the power lies. It’s also where our own subconscious subliminal messages come from.

It’s these tiny things we come across throughout the day that set the tone.

This lady that was working, always has a smile on her and face and is the most kind and friendly worker I’ve seen work there. (she's really got it going on) I live in a small place where there’s quite a bit of negativity and complaining going on (especially about the weather). She really is a breath of fresh air.

If this happened to be another worker, I would guess 10 of 10 people would have agreed with me that this snow needs to go. She on the other hand, seemed totally fine with what was, and not only fine, but found a way to see it with love.

If we could just start with being fine with what is. To even keep it neutral until we can strengthen our ability and habits to see love in everything.

It’s about the micro level things that are going to make up the macro perception.

I’m grateful for the lesson, and even though I know better, sometimes we just don’t see it.

It has since stopped snowing, and as much as I realized, it must really love us, I think I will think about how much the sun must really love us too.

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