The Chronicles Of The Garden

Her eyes fluttered open for the first time. She breathed in the fresh, cool air. Clouds swirled above her as they hung in an infinite blue sky. Beams of bright rays stroked her face. Warmth covered her from her head to her toes. Her fingertips brushed the tips of the soft green grass. The birds' choir interrupted the chasm of space with their delightful chirps. She turned her head ever-so-slightly to smell the sweet scent of lavender floating in the new morning air. Tall figures brimming with green fans held different fruits and nuts creating a canvas of splattered colors. The landscape was rich with dark soil. Clear, sparkling water gushed as it paved its channel through the lush garden. She reached down and plunged her arm into the refreshing pool. The feeling was unlike anything she ever felt. It seemed to roll off and dry as soon as she released her arm from the deep ravine.

She felt hot breath brush her arm. Her neck swerved to the other side. Her eyes focused on the giant, dominating image above her. Its frame was unlike her own. The black and white colors seemed to switch on and off one right after the other like it didn’t know whether it wanted to be all white or all black. The two stared at each other. Finally, after a satisfyingly long stare, the four-legged creature meandered on to what seemed a better portion of grass.

Curious, she braced her arms against the cool ground to push herself up. She looked down at her hands stretching out her ten fingers. Her head pounded from getting up too fast. So, she raised two stick-like fingers to massage her temples in a circular motion.

Focus, Focus.

Once she regained her equilibrium she slowly walked, not knowing where to go or where to turn. With her head swiveling left and right, she became entranced by the beautiful sights around her. The green pasture hosted myriads of flowers and plants. Her head cocked to the side. How did they stand straight with nothing holding them? Was there something holding them?

Her nose graced the fragile petal of the purple flowers relishing their refreshing scent. As her eyes fluttered open, she saw that the flowers towered over the tiniest crawling creatures she had ever seen! They seemed to march in tandem. Their tiny bodies climbed up the green blades with excellent accuracy.

This place was magnificent!

Each step released a new discovery. Each turn revealed something different.

She passed by things small and large. Some of the things had spots and others had tails, yet none of them looked like her. Some had two legs like her, but they were covered with what looked like the hair on their head, but it was thicker or sometimes thinner and sometimes darker or lighter colors. Some had arms covered in the same looking stuff. Some of the creatures had scales for skin. Other living things had four legs that walked on the soft land while some never left the water. Looking around, it appeared that these creatures all had a partner, a friend, yet none of them looked like her. Was she the only one of her kind?

In those few moments, a still, soft voice guided her towards something that looked similar to her. The build of the living-being had two legs like her, two arms like her, and a head that looked like hers. The creature stood among a whole host of other living things that didn’t look like it at all.

The similar being stood tall and with fingers, like her, pointing to each of the other beings saying things like, “Duck”, “Horse”, “Serpent”, “Cow”, and “Pig”.

She cautiously moved forward intrigued by the mysterious character. The creature turned to her and they locked eyes. She instantly felt a connection. Like she knew this creature. The creature opened his mouth and said,

“This at last is bone of my bones; and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

So, this creature was a man and she was a woman? The man stretched out his hand and stroked her face. His fingers followed the lines of her cheekbones and the curved arch of her brows. She lifted her arms to encircle his waist. The structure of his body was wider and thicker than hers, but it was warm and familiar. He tipped her chin so he could once again look into her eyes. She felt deep down in her heart that this was perfect, that this was good. She released a contented sigh. This was very good.

After a while, he gently took her hand in his. He pulled her forward as he started to walk her around the garden. He continually looked over at her as if she was something far beyond his wildest dreams, like he had never seen something like this before. Hair had fallen across her eyes, blinding her from seeing his face. She reached up and tucked the stray hair behind her ear. He pointed out that the various creatures she had seen had all kinds of names!

Like the black and white one she saw earlier, that was called a zebra! He introduced her to all different kinds of living things. He rested his hand on the head of what he called a lion. It seemed to enjoy the attention.

After showing her some of the different creatures, he stopped them in the middle of the garden and pulled her to face him. He looked into her eyes once more. She breathed deep.

Making a sweeping motion with his hands he declared that all of this, all of this was perfect.

His deep voice was whisked away by the wind and carried on its waves to touch her ears.

“Woman, I have so much to tell you. What you see now is not the end. I have so much to show you. Like how the moon shows up in the river at night or how the sky is peppered with stars as it lies in darkness. I want to show you how to climb the fruit trees using your hands and feet, but before any of that I have someone I would like for you to meet.”

The man looked to his side. Naturally, she followed his gaze. Then she saw it. It was Him. It was her Creator.

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