Every Excuse is Just Another Great Reason Not to Start

Every excuse is a great reason why we can't, but then if you keep getting reasons not to work, you should learn to develop them when you are hungry.
I hope you remember the last time someone gave you an excuse? Perhaps you invited them to your family member's wedding and they were like, "ohhh, I really loved to be there but you know, work!"


Well that is how it is, you can only blame another for excuses if you have not given one before.

Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.”

Even though once a while we may make excuses to escape daunting tasks and other less productive things, one thing you need to know is that excuses breed failure!

I will share with you this wonderful heart touching story. Let's go through this and see the lessons we can pick up about excuses;

James at age 11 had a big dream which was, to graduate from high school. I know you may think it is pretty much ordinary and not so big a dream but wait till you read the circumstances under which he had to prevail.

James was a native of rural, war-torn Uganda who lost his entire family to disease by the time he was six. James had to be raised entirely by his poor grandmother who didn't have enough money to fund his education.

Attaining a high school diploma was a daunting task for James. In fact, you could hardly blame him if he saw his goal as impossible and gave up to go work in the fields. If he had come out with any excuses it would have been valid to see him live an ordinary poor life.

Instead at age 11, he and his grandma came out with an impossible plan which was crafted to help him complete his school. In fact it was a real crazy plan. For this plan to work, they needed to sell a goat first. Fortunately, James's grandma had a goat which they sold. With the money from the sale, James was able to get a new shoe and a change of cloths. Also, he was able to get a bus ticket for 300 mile journey to the capital city.

This is where the plan gets interesting. Looking at what the goat was used for, you would realize it had nothing to do with high school diploma. At the city he was to stay with his aunt and the plan was that for him to be able to complete high school diploma, James needed to sneak into the president's residence and go pass all the security to meet the president and ask for a scholarship.

That was exactly what he did and today, James is 25 years old with 2 masters degree and a great job [1]
Source|| Meet James Kassaga Arinaitwe, at 11 he had to sneak into the president's residence pass all the security to seek for scholarship for high school diploma which he did successfully

As I said earlier, it would have rather been easier for James Kassaga Arinaitwe to come out with excuses than to carry out such a terrible plan. But something about him pushed him hard to do what ever it took for him to see to the fruition of his goals.

At the age of 11, James had mastered his psychology and brought his dreams to life. His story is heroic, but it’s also well-explained by science. Regardless your situation in life, there’s a direct link between the excuses you make for yourself and how much success you achieve.
Tyler Tervooren

This is a true story of someone's life and how about some of us who have the opportunity of the internet today?
This is the era of information and yet it's amazing how much information we have access to and still many of today's youth still find ways to come out with excuses why they are broke and can't do anything about it.

"oh, my family is broke", "oh, my uncle has money but he is not ready to help", "I have tried all I could, God knows I did", "my teachers don't like me" etc. These are some of the excuses being given by people to stay broke and yet when others suffer to make it they are quick to complain that the world is not fair.

Fact is that excuses are the easiest to make and there is absolutely no suffering in coming out with one. Instead of shouting that you get $0.01 on your articles, why don't you work hard to build the network that would help you learn more? Why are others from the same country as you making it here and you think it unfair to you?

Instead of making excuses why don't we take responsibility for our selves? Let's learn from the brave act of 11 year old James that led him to where he is today and we will see that most reasons we give are only but a bunch of excuses.

If you are determined enough excuses don't come up. Let's assume that you were inviting your friend to your sister's wedding and after that he would walk home with a car. Do you think he would give any excuse and not come? come on, in fact he would rather give excuses in order to come.
So why will you give it all to get the tangible things and yet give excuses when you are exposed with ways to make them yourself?

source || This is the full scientific picture of the outcome of taking responsibility against making excuses

You can chose to continue giving excuses for everything or you can chose to do what it takes to ensure your success. See you at the top if you chose the later. Thanks for your attention.

Source [1]

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