Late Bloomers of the World-- UNITE!

“It gets better after high school.” they say, “just wait til you get to college”. Who is this “they”? All the moms, dads, and other adults that thought they were giving great advice to boost our self esteem. But I never got that. I mean, that's great and all that things get better... eventually, but what about now?? You mean its gonna suck for the next 8-10 years?? That's what you're telling me? That's like saying you're going to be taken to your favorite restaurant in town, but before then you have to eat cow pies for a few years. Who wants to take that shit?? Literally.
Never-the-less they were right in some ways. I've seen “Revenge of the Nerds” so I knew it would be better but we needed to hear something that was gonna help us in the “here and now”. What they should have said was “Yeah it sucks getting picked on but at least you'll have good stories to tell when you're older and the more you endure the funnier the stories will be. Then who knows, maybe you could become a well-known Steemian, and laugh in the face of your adolescent adversaries!”
Or if you are giving this wonderful pep talk to a young budding teenage girl, tell her that no matter what, she has boobs and no matter big or small, you will hold power to woo those around you. So focus on that brain for now, because if you have brains and boobs, you will be unstoppable. And believe me, as a late bloomer myself, once you go from a budding rose to a full fledged flower, it will literally feel like you've gained some sort of super power. I believe those that were blessed with good looks and good style in their earlier years, they don't even know what do with it. I mean how many of us have seen our middle school crush on Facebook years later... YIKES!
So here's to those of us that had it rough growing up, we paid our dues, we took the shit and now we are here to reclaim OUR TIME. Our time is now! And to anyone else out there that may still be doing the hard knock life of K-12, let me not leave you with the same clichéd advice of our elders, but instead leave you with this; You're already awesome so flaunt whatever you got with confidence. And this year, when you are writing in each others yearbooks, be bold, tell them (those know-it-all bullies) to remember that face of yours, because they are gonna wish they were nice to you, for in several years down the road, when they try to slide into your DM to try to compliment you and your success with looks and life, they'll be lucky to get a reply back.

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