The story of Aceh Museum of Koloniale Toonstelling

Getting to know the origin of the Aceh Museum does not escape from the name of a stopover, meaning that some of the history of Aceh were recorded or documentation to Acehnese much I get when they are away from Aceh itself.

Including the right to know the Aceh Museum on July 31 is even 100 years old from the calculation alias century AD. About, I know the museum is shaped Rumoh Aceh is physically more or less 10 years ago or more, again while doing a stopover to migrate to Banda Aceh.

However, the unique story of Aceh Museum to get to Banda Aceh, instead I found when migrated to Semarang.

The story this time, some young men and women in Aceh agreed to an evening stroll to the old town in Semarang, precisely to Market Sentiling, from where several collections of photographs of Dutch heritage and history on display among the crowds that thronged the exhibition area and the night market are ,

Activities such as the festival wrapped in Sentiling market is fairly cool and unique, the article shows the full value of history is commandeered by the community and young people in collaboration with several institutions representative of the Netherlands.

From the results of the streets of them that I met with a photograph, and from classic photo was inscribed the name F.W. Stammeshaus. The name is familiar, as some call it writing Atjeh Museum Curator at the De Koloniale Testooteling (Colonial Exhibition) held in Semarang on 13 August to 15 November 1914.

Stories Koloniale Toon Stelling

That said, the event Koloniale Toonstelling in 1914 in Semarang including one of the largest world exhibition of his day, even Pekan Raya Jakarta itself has not been able to match it.

As quoted from the blog Bambang Priantono, said Koloniale Toonstelling a combination of PRJ and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, where many countries and kingdoms archipelago that participated in the exhibition created to commemorate 100 years of the release of the Dutch from the power of Napoleon Bonaparte (and ironically held in colony itself).

At the beginning of the museum building just a Rumoh Aceh, which is a modification of a traditional Acehnese house building coming from the Pavilion Aceh.

In addition to showcasing a wide variety of private collections FWStammeshous, Pavilion of Aceh when it also showcased a variety of heirloom princes Aceh so that the pavilion appears as pavilion of the most complete collections and earn 4 gold medals, 11 silver medals, 3 bronze, and a plaque of appreciation as best pavilion.

The success on F.W.Stammeshous propose to the Aceh governor H.N.A.Swart that pavilion was brought back to Aceh to be Atjeh Museum which was inaugurated July 31, 1915 in Banda Aceh.

After Indonesia's independence, operationalization Museum Aceh alternately by local Governments Tk.II Banda Aceh until 1969, the Board of Trustees clumps Iskandarmuda (Baperis) until 1975, the Ministry of Education and Culture until 2002, and now in accordance with Government Regulation No. 25 Year 2000 on the government's authority and the authority of provinces as autonomous regions (Article 3, paragraph 5 point 10f), operationalization Museum under the authority of Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Based on the Decree No. 10 of 2002 dated February 2, 2002, the status of the Aceh Museum Became UPTD in the neighborhood of Culture and Tourism Aceh.

In 1969 on the initiative of T. Hamzah Treasurer, Aceh Museum moved from the old place (Blang Padang) into place that it is today, namely in Jalan Sultan Alaidin Mahmudsyah, on a land area of 10,800 m2. Since May 28, 1979 its status was changed to Museum of Aceh. The inauguration will be held a year later or precisely on 1 September 1980 by the Minister of Education and Culture Dr. Daud Yoesoef.

Now, the century-old Museum Aceh and signs of age this museum is very old. However, there are many records to memanej museum is a separate icon in Aceh so that is no longer overshadowed by the Tsunami Museum.

As we know, based on Government Regulation No. 19 In 1995, the museum is an institution, storage, maintenance, security and utilization of objects material evidence and the result of human culture and the natural environment to support the protection and preservation of the cultural wealth of the nation.

Happy birthday Museum Aceh, hopefully with the spirit of civilization transformers be a good start in serving the community and young people to get closer to know the history and national identity


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