The South...A great place to live but you'd better take its storms seriously!

Springtime where I live not only means new life and new beginnings but it also brings on spring storms. The storms, although some quite severe, can be tolerable.

But when warm air meets colder air, tornadoes can often pop up. You might have guessed I live in the South and when these dark terror of day or night comes threatening our very existence, it's not something I take lightly.

In the last week, I think we have had 3 tornado watches and one tornado warning. Now, if you aren't familiar with the terms, a watch means all conditions are right and a tornado could pop up at any time.

A warning means a tornado has been spotted in the area and a threat could be imminent. About a week ago, the city's warning sirens went off with a speaker telling us take cover.

Sadly, I know of very few people that haven't any form of shelter. When severe weather is a threat, families stay glued to their tv's, listening and watching as the weather team watches doppler radar and gives us their best advice on where or when they expect one to touch ground.

They advise going to a lower level, if you have one, or go to the inner part of your house. A small closet or bathroom is good in hopes to avoid any debris that could be flying around. Not always but so many times lives are lost in most every storm.

It almost a certainty that if either straight line winds, or worse, a tornado should hit a mobile home or mobile home park too many times they wipe out the entire park with its evil blow!

It's heart wrenching hearing about lives lost. The high school I attended was completely destroyed and the next school year I had to attend school in a temporary facility. I've spent my life in the South watching and fearing this evil blackness of doom.

It's just been more recently that most of the schools in my area now have safe rooms for the school children. I talked to one of the superintendents and asked if the community would be welcome in the event a warning is issued. He said no one is turned away as long as there is room.

I think public awareness should be made about the horrible way of life that these weather events can make . I think every city or community should have shelters for its people to come and feel they will be safe during these storms.


Tornados can occur anytime of the year but the springtime is when they are more common. Whatever part of the country you may live in, I'm sure it has its problems with weather... some have snow storms, earthquakes, and like us in the South, we have or have the potential of both as the New Madrid fault line is always a threat of the big one going off.

The South is a beautiful place to live but if you chose to live here take it seriously the idea of buying a shelter for your family. Your very life may depend on it!!

Thanks for ready and please upvote and resteem if you like my post.

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