
Before smart phones and the internet, growing up was quite simple. I was the middle child of three kids.

After school we were told to change our school clothes, which consisted of traditionally old fashioned dresses and bobby socks. After we changed into our play clothes , out the door we went!

We didn't have many toys but we always found plenty to do. Digging for worms and looking for rolly polly bugs were enough for two little girls for an afternoon.

Our digging would include of a few pieces of mama's flatware, a spoon, and fork; all would do nicely for what we needed to have a simple, yet fun time!

We would dig for what seemed like hours, each collecting our afternoon find in a separate buckets. I was a little over 3 years older than my sister so my digging skills were somewhat perfected compared to hers.

By the end of the day, we counted what we had collected and if the count wasn't even, we would cut the worms for an even split.

We didn't fish , so the worms weren't valuable except for just playing with them and watching them wiggle around.
I still look back and laugh at how little it took to entertain us.

Before I knew it, we could hear Mama calling that supper was ready. Time to discard the worms and join the family for a home cooked meal.

Tomorrow was another day, maybe making mud pies would be on the agenda or climbing the tallest trees we could find.

The simple life I lived as a child is now replaced by technology. But do we have a better world now? I don't know. I have my smart phone, computer, ipad and all the other gadgets it supposedly takes to makes this world go 'round, so we think. All this to stay "connected".

Back in those days, I was living life at its best and was the way I felt. Find that kind of happiness on Facebook or Pinterest! You won't find it, because it's stored in my memory book along with a thousand other ordinary days and stories.

Today, my sister and I text like a couple teenagers. When we sign off we usually do so by adding 🐛🐛 emoticons of a couple worms. Maybe one day there will be an emoticon of red worms.

I hope you enjoyed this simple but true story of my life during childhood .

I'm not a red worm but they say I'm a minnow.

That's ok for now 'cause on my bucket list is swimming with the dolphins... and one day, I will be all grown up and will be a mama whale.

When I do, I won't forget my minnow friends as they too need a worm tossed to them now and then.

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