Story : Never Underestimate those who nourish your ego. A rebound can occur anytime and you won't be able to handle that fury


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When memories haunt you down creeping you every night till you wake up one day and decide to erase your brain and start afresh. Well, there is editing that has to happen. Parts which I want to forget, parts which won't bother me even if they remain and a few parts that I want to be etched in my heart till my last breath. Small tiny sections of my memory I want obliterated forever .

Such feelings just come in as aromatic hues brushing past our olfactory organs. Some pay heed to it while others just feel the aroma. Some analyse it, break it into tiny bits trying to find a meaning out of the scent while others dust it off and let it fade away as a whole.

Prepondering about certain things which never even existed, trying to understand aspects of life in a profound manner are characteristics of a few people who end up broken time and again.

Once upon a time ( a clichéd start I know, nevertheless it has to be that way), there was a girl whose hallmarks are mentioned above. Well, she would look into a situation ('look in' is an understatement) probably 'dig in' would be better yet not the perfect word to describe what she would do.

"He looked towards the moon."- for a normal person, it would sound just the way it was stated above. But for her, that sentence would be the start to an entire chronicle of thoughts.

"The moon" would be personified to an unexistential level which would enkindle emotional convinctions in unfathomable parts of her brain. She would carry the brunt of every person she encounters just to make sure they felt like a feather and walked away happy.

They indeed walked away happy but never turned back to show their gratitude. All of them walked ahead and away. Maybe in the beginning the burden was something she could handle but for how long?

Eventually her heart had a hunch. This hunch sculpted it to an unidentifiable shape. I wouldn't say this wasn't unexpected or something that wasn't bound to happen.
Well looking at how she had been performing it was indeed explicitly a circumstance that had to happen.

Unaware of this tribulation that had struck her, she continued doing what she did. One thing led to another and people kept striking their arrows into her to nourish their egos. None noticed that the arrow they struck each time was a perfection that brutally brought her down to her knees breaking the hunch forever.

"SENESCENCE"- after everything that happened above, some might have come to this conclusion and would have stated out of mercy, "A poor soul just crushed into her heavenly abode on a perfectly furnished bed of arrows with an exquisite coffin slushed with the egos of mankind embedded into the remains of the earthy divine soil"

To one's own disappointment, this girl woke up, stood erect, pulled out every arrow that had pierced her, stitched every wound of hers, screamed out the excruciting pain, letting go of every freightage that she withheld in her, smashing it right back into every countenance and walked off with a resplendent personality that the world would have never imagine​.

-Renu Balaji #fanpost

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