I had shattered the heart of that one person who truly loved me, and yet she didn’t know it. I got up from the bed and started dressing. “You were awesome”, Adjoa said in a low tiring voice. I didn’t hear. I did not want to hear. My mind was in a state of turmoil and I was beginning to regret every step that had led to this. As I buttoned my shirt, my mind flashed back memories of the first day I met Yaa. I was still a first year student at the university then, with no friends. I used to keep to myself and myself only, I would never utter a word unless very necessary. I never asked questions during lectures nor answered them. I was a silent monk in a noisy hermit. One day, before lectures had begun, I was in my favorite corner of the lecture hall when out of the blue, she walked in. I had never set eyes upon her and I wondered if she had always been in the same class with me. She was beautiful and looked awesome in her combination of blue and white. She had beautiful brown skin, large beautiful eyes and her eyebrows, had they not been naturally arched would have been likened to the art of Leonardo Da Vinci. Time froze and in my mind, I could picture myself dancing with her like in Hindi movies. She seemed to be friends with everyone but me. Everyone knew her. And she smiled as she greeted and responded to greetings; a smile I would come to cherish more than anything in due time. All that while, I just sat there and stared on. I was fascinated by this girl, I thought. She was so natural and loved by all. I rarely saw that anywhere; not even in the movies I loved so much. She was talking to a friend when she suddenly looked at me. I quickly looked away and pretended to be busy on my phone. When she started moving in my direction, my pumpy-jumpy organ started beating faster with every step she made. When she finally got to me, my heart beat was so fast that it seemed not to beat at all. “Would you mind if I sat with you? All the chairs are taken”, she asked politely. I couldn’t find the words, and after so many mouth movements, I was finally able to utter a faint “Yeah”. She sat and took out her books and started to read. I was still staring at her and I think she knew. Yeah, she knew. She later told me when we had started to date that she knew I was looking at her so much on that day. Sensing her discomfort, I looked away a second and then I had her little voice ask, “How far have you been able to revise for the test we are to write today?” I quickly turned to face her. Beads of sweat already forming on my face. My breathing became heavy all of a sudden and she looked at me surprisingly. “You didn’t know?”, she asked. “No I didn’t”, I replied. “I must have thought it was next week”, I lied, feeling a pinch of guilt. I never paid attention in Plant Physiology class. I hated the lecturer and the course. I loved plants; I was an admirer of nature. But I hated the fact that we had to learn the most intricate aspects of plant organ functioning and systems. Perhaps, that was why I never dreamed of majoring in plants after graduation. “Then, this is not going to go well for you”, she warned. I knew. I couldn’t afford to have a drop in my average. But my failure was inevitable today. I couldn’t stop it. And so the lecturer came, and like I feared, gave us a 15 min quiz. For 10 full minutes, my answer sheet stared at me angrily for answers and all I gave it was drops of sweat. Five minutes to time, Yaa gave me her answer sheet in a flash and took mine and started answering the questions. In less than four minutes, she was done and handed me my sheet, taking hers back. She was so fast and discreet that I wondered if she did this often for most of our mates. That would answer the question of the “one big love” everyone had for her.

I smiled as I recalled that incident, I had been saved by Yaa from the wrath of Plant Physiology and I could never pay her back. She later asked that as gratitude, I take her out. That was when she confessed to me that she didn’t really have any friends, and that all that I had seen in the class was as I had suspected; that they put on loving masks and display caring gestures that she may help them during examinations. I felt bad for her but it was not like she really cared. She was a happy girl, and I took a liking to her instantly. Her only true friend was Adjoa. They had been best friends since childhood and I had just put that relationship in jeopardy. Or it was Adjoa who just put mine in jeopardy? I didn’t want to think of it. The mere thought that I might have thrown a great future away just for sex was driving me nuts. “Call me, ok?”, Adjoa said as I left. I didn’t look back at her. I just wanted to get out of that hell as quickly as I could. And as I slammed the door shut, I told myself she would never see me again.

I got to my room to meet a sleeping Yaa. She had ordered some food but had already eaten hers having waited for almost eternity for me to come and feed her. She loved that. I smiled and pulled the blanket to her shoulders before sitting to eat. I could not find sleep that night. I didn’t bat an eyelid all through the night. I had been awake thinking about what I had done. I just hoped Adjoa would keep it a secret because she loved her friend a lot. But she had enjoyed it, didn’t she? What if she wanted us to continue? What if I couldn’t resist the temptation? Even if I did resist, what if she blackmailed me with threats of telling Yaa? All these thoughts made me wish the earth would open up and swallow me whole. So I would disappear with shame and guilt. And my poor Yaa. What had she done to deserve this? How would she feel if she knew I had broken our treasured promise of breaking our virginity together, with each other? She would be broken, she was strong, but this would destroy her forever. I finally drifted into sleep with thoughts, heavy on my mind. I woke up the next morning feeling no better than the night before. In fact, I actually felt worse. My guilt was eating me up by the second anytime I saw Yaa. She was already awake when I woke up and almost done preparing breakfast. As we ate, she talked and laughed and I would occasionally fake a laugh to make her feel good. But I knew her too well, just as she did me. I knew she was not going to buy my fake laughs. “Where were you last night. You never told me.”, she asked, looking into my eyes. “Uhm, I was at a friend’s place”, I lied, swallowing hard. “Mmmmm. Which friend? I called all of them. None of them knew your whereabouts” she still quizzed. “We were playing FIFA at Ben’s. When you called, I told him not to tell you I was around. I knew you would order me home since you missed me”, I playfully and skillfully lied. She bought it this time to my surprise. “Well, you better get your charming smiles and your smart mode on because we are having dinner at my parents’ house today. My parents want to meet you” she said with a certain seriousness. She was serious. She had told me time without number how disciplined her parents were. She was an only child and they had done their best to shield her from the cruelty and hatred of the world. She was everything to them and they loved her more than I ever could. This was a bad moment. She had warned me that this could happen. But I didn’t think it would be this soon. Nevertheless, I prepared for the grand dinner at Yaa’s home. I was ready to answer all questions. Yaa had prepared me.

Second flew into minutes and then into hours. It wasn’t long before I found myself on the same table with Mr. Charles, Yaa’s dad. He was a big man with a bald head and light moustache. He had gentle and calming voice like Morgan Freeman and he was well versed in many areas; religion, politics, art, writing and even science. I think I impressed him because he was laughing and nodding at the table as we ate and talked about a lot of things, some of which I was surprised as to how I managed to contribute to the conversation. Yaa actually looked more like her mother than her father. They had the same eyes, the same beautiful eyebrows except that Yaa had her dad’s complexion. Her mother was calm, gentle and smart, just like her daughter. Now, I no longer wondered how Yaa came to be so intelligent. I had my answers now. And I smiled at the thought. There were no surprises so far and I had totally forgotten of the incident last night with Adjoa. Little did I know, that my luck was soon about to run out. “Where’s Adjoa?”, suddenly Yaa’s mum asked her daughter. The mention of the name made me choke on a glass of wine. My mind started flooding with a slideshow of our sex night. It played over and over like a favorite song, only that I didn’t like it. I was no favorite song to me. It was a nightmare. A secret I hoped would never be revealed. “I don’t know, mum. She has not been answering my calls. She was supposed to be here today”, Yaa replied. My heart started to beat loudly like it did anytime it sensed danger. All this talk about Adjoa was threatening to rip my chest open to expose my black heart. No, not today. Adjoa was smart enough for deciding against destroying my dinner tonight. Just when all the talk about Adjoa seemed to have died, my phone rang loudly, I took it out of my pocket and it was Adjoa. Before I could slide the reject button, Yaa who was sitting next me took the phone out my hand quickly seeing Adjoa’s name. “Mum, look who’s calling?”, she held the phone up for her mum to see. So she’s not been answering my calls. Stubborn girl. Let me hear her defense.” Without giving me time to protest, she answered the call and put it on speaker. And what happened next …… “Hey handsome. I don’t know why you’ve not been answering my calls, but I know you miss me, don’t you? You liked the way I rode you and took to places you’ve never been before. You can’t deny it. That sex was amazing. I wonder how you managed to do than on your first try. You are a fuck-God...”, Yaa hang up. It was like Adjoa was never going to stop talking. And she had already said enough to completely ruin everything I had built from 3 years of dating. Did she plan this? Did she know this was going to happen? That I would be exposed this way to the family of my fiancé-to-be? Or it was just coincidence. I chose to go with the former. She intentionally did this. She was the devil. She had taken everything away from me in a matter of seconds with just one night. One! Everyone was quiet at the table. After lightning, there’s silence before the thunder. My phone fell from Yaa’s hand as she burst into tears. Her mother run to her daughter’s side looking at me scornfully. Her dad… he father just sat there and looked at me. I was so ashamed. I felt like crying out. And I wished the world would come to an end at that moment. All I could hear now was Adjoa laughing – a diabolic laughter that threatened to split my brains open. I could hear voices laughing at me. Others were blaming me for what had happened. I couldn’t take it anymore so I yelled loudly….

I woke up with a start, sweating profusely. I looked at my clock, it was 3am. I couldn’t believe I had been dreaming. But at the same time, I was thankful I had been dreaming. I checked my phone and saw two unread messages. They were from Adjoa! I was curious to see the contents and surprisingly, they read as “I know you are virgin. Yaa told me. I could teach you”. My heart skipped three beats. This was exactly what I had seen in my dream. It had led to my destruction. I wasn’t going to let this happen in real life. I replied quickly” Yeah. That’s cool. And I would like to keep it that way. You’re nice girl and I like you. But I love my girlfriend and I plan to have a future with her, so… no thanks”. I hit send. She replied almost immediately making me wonder if she had not slept waiting for me to reply her message. “Oh, come on. I was just kidding and you started writing poetry of your love for my bestie. I was testing you. You passed. L o l”. Whether she was testing me or trying to get me to sleep with her, she had failed. I was not going to fall into any trap. I switched off my bed lamp and drifted into sleep with dreams of my love…Yaa.

The end.

In case you missed the previous episodes..

My First Time;The Plan
My First Time;The Act


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