The Lies We Tell; Part Three

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..The silence is deafening,heartbreaking and completely eerie and it has nothing to do with last night, what's on everybodys mind right now is something way bigger, way more complicated
David the guy in front of us, is being extremely serious. Not making jokes or something, so unlike him because he always makes jokes in every situation.

Had this been any other situation I would be laughing my nose off and snorting alongside
But right now though, right this very moment, I need a drink. Badly.
My throat is burning up, and I need something to cool it down
Something, Anything

David looks haggard, worn out , exhausted and beyond guilty and I feel so bad for my sister. I would do any thing to be absent from here right now
"Uhmm" David begins. Again with the English "Honey, we need to talk"
I roll my eyes at the name. I detest pet names of any kind

"Please talk to me" My sister is fidgeting"what's going on?" Her voice is low and pitiful

David glances at me, then sits on the Arm of the sofa and begins the tale
" Yesterday was the worst day of my life"
My head hurts, my throats burns and am in desperate need of a drink as I close my eyes and rest my head on her brown leathered sofa, waiting.

"I-I lost my job" My sister gasps and I feel really sorry for both of them. Life is so painful sometimes "You have to understand, I was devastated, distraught"
I hear my sisters voice "You should have called me"
"And told you what?, that I lost everything?" No answer from my sister "
"You-You drank?" If its humanely possible my sisters voice went lower "but- but you hate- your father did this and-"
"I know, I know"he sounded so tortured "the last thing I want is to end up like that idiot and give my son a concussion every night" he breathes out and I gulp, we were getting dangerously close "But I drank so much I couldn't drive and Rachael  had to drive me to Brothers place"

Its my cue, I know, I feel my sisters eyes on me but call me a coward, a wuss, an idiot whatever I couldn't for the life of me raise my head

"But Rachael was drunk" my sister says "how could she drive"
" I don't know but she did, she helped me out" I closed my eyes tighter and waited
A second passed
" she took me home and I must have passed out"

I was floored. I raised my head and looked him in the eye Is he joking right now? Passed out? He passed out??
He looked so sincere, too sincere
What if?- I shouldn't think it- But what if he doesn't remember?

He breathes out and complicates the issue more" Rachael, I am your brother now, and I know after losing my dignity last night- somehow ending up half naked- I'm not in a position to advice you but please quit drinking, its a terrible thing, its awful and destructive.

I'm Dumbfounded.

That's not the point, I want to scream, don't advice me.
But this is David, Abused child of a drunk, who just lost his job, staring at me, advising me, ME , while his fiancee, my own sister sits there looking confused

I look him in his sad black eyes and I wonder, should I tell my "brother" he spent a night with his "little sister" last night, should I let him know he just contacted an STI or STD or whatever its called ?
Forgive me but i took the cowards way out
Now I really need another drink....

To be continued..

Stay tuned for the next part.

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