Five Minute Freewrite - "Pen"

From by @mariannewest .... Let's see what hash we can make out of THIS topic!

It wasn't me, I tell you! Honest! No, I don't know who did it, nor how they did it, but it Was. Not. Me.

I was just standing there, waiting for the next bus, and the next thing I knew I was face-down on the concrete with someone half breaking my arm torquing it up behind my back. Words were said, but what do I know - that hurt, and I was still wondering how I'd gotten horizontal rather than vertical so quickly. Only later did I even think to wonder what they'd said to me. I still don't recall, frankly.

After a bit and a whole lot of groping, they eventually hauled me to my feet and bum rushed me into the back of a cop car. Almost lost my bag as they did, and I still don't know if my laptop made it through the rough handling. A whole lot of boring went by with spikes of weird confusing theater - "Sign here. No, here. Dammit, I'm out of form 45s." Whatever that is.

And now here I sit, another inmate in this pen, waiting for my time in front of a judge. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

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