Five Minute Freewrite - "Fire"


"FIRE!" - the cry that always gets my adrenaline running. This time it woke me out of a sound sleep, as it'd been a very long day.

I heard lots of people hurriedly getting geared up as I rolled up and out of bed. I'm lucky - no extra gear for me, this time. Padding quickly out of the room barefooted, I dodged people struggling into protective garments and thick boots. A quick shimmy down the pole, and a running dive into home. The jacks struck like vipers, feeling like caresses as my senses lit back up and muscles I didn't always have flexed in preparation.

The tallyboard outside the corner of my eye quickly lit as firemen strapped in. One remained dark, and I got the order to head out. McKeever's bad luck.

Heading out into the dark, I followed the bouncing ball and shifted hard left as soon as I was clear. Reorienting as I continued to drift, I got my first glimpse of the blaze. Two units fully engulfed and half a dozen others kindling. Not good.

I hit the main jets and dropped a slew of firefighters on the far side of the blaze. They'd tap into the veins and be fighting in a jiffy, but my job really started now. Diving into the middle of the conflagration, and then below it, searching for tethers.

Finding only three of the ones I needed, I snapped them then grabbed onto the module and started hauling. Either the other tethers would snap or at least get to where I could find 'em quickly. One hard tug, and I felt a couple let go, then another one, but then I was stuck hugging a blazing wooden container and moving nowhere fast. ... ...

(end of time)

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