Love Puri 1


The morning train stopped at the gambier station. The thunder of the passengers' voices made the atmosphere of the terminal even more crowded, when the atmosphere was still early. With a confused footstep, uncomprehending and unsure of where to go, the plain-faced girl and the neat double-braided hair stepped hesitantly. How not ... this is his first time stepping in the capital. Foreign cities with a frenzied bustle clearly illustrated. With a daring capital he decided to leave his hometown, none other than just to pursue his wish to study at his favorite university. Carrying a bundle of important letters, and a scholarship letter he kept behind was not as big as his crumpled and crumpled.

Her legs continue to step not know where to rest. It's a big city, there's no way we can meet people who are always good, he added to the heart. His eyes glanced left and right as he was looking for someone he was waiting for.

"Hey you ...... !!!!" came the voice of a man towards her.

The woman paused and occasionally glanced again to the right and to the left, as if confused by the man's call.

"yes you .. Wait ... !!" he said again as he trotted toward him.

The well-built, white, and tall man stopped in front of him. With a panting breath he held his knee to stretch his breath for a moment.

"Castle ... you puri right?" Said the man.
Post from
Miss EarLV5
4-8-2017 09: 47Kalimantan Selatan · Indonesia
Miss Ear
"Yeah ... I ... who are you ??" he asked in amazement.

"Huuft ... I've been looking for you everywhere .. where are you going?"

" Who are you???" asked Puri again with great astonishment.

"Ayoo ... !!!"

The man did not answer Puri's question, instead he took hold of his hand and pulled him along with him. Her eyebrows frown and wonder, who was the man who took her away? and why did he know his name? when this was his first meeting.

Their footsteps stopped in a parking lot. The man continued to hold his wrist with a fast pace, thus making Puri unable to release it.

"Come on in ..." the man said, opening the red car door in front of him.

"Sorry I can not come, I do not know you"

"Oh yeah ... I forgot to tell you, come in first I'll explain to you who I am" he explained again in a hurry.

The woman just stunned in front of the car door.

"Come on !!" firmly the man again.

His remarks shocked the castle and rushed into the car. The red car raced so fast that it surpassed several skyscrapers. The castle stared out the windshield and took in the view of the city he had never seen before. Strains of music that sounds from the mp3 car adds to the mood of the castle feel happy because it finally can achieve its ideals in the capital city.

Instantly his beautiful daydream about the capital was distracted

To the figure of the man next to him.

"I'm sorry ... who are you? You know my name?" Asked the castle again.

"Oh yeah ... I forgot ... ok ok..i introduce myself yes ... I'm Athaya" said the man who has a beautiful dimples on his face.

"Then ... why did you make me get into your car ??"

"Look here ... I'm in papa to pick you up .. we've never met you ?? but I've recognized you from the photos submitted by pakde Muji to me .."

"Dad .... you know the same father also ??"

"Yeah ... because I'm the son of Mr. Darsono."

"Pakars Darsono ?? he is .... ??"

"Yeah ... he's my daddy .. he's so busy because I'm not busy yes I'm the one who picked you up."

"So ..."

"Are you sure you want to study in the capital?" He asked again.

"Insyaallah mas me steady..this is what my dream is ..."

"What kind of faculty do you want to take?"

"Medical mas .."

"Wow is great ..... !!! but not so easy that we can enter the medical faculty loh .. really complicated"

"It's true mas ... but this is my father's will and my own will."

" Why??"

"Because in the village medical workers are very difficult to meet .. they are more sorry for shamans and clever people prefer that way to cure their pain.While the era is getting more sophisticated but the pattern fikir they still do not trust the medical expertise ..7% of them prefer to go to the mantri..pantal mantri in the village alone is only high school graduates, still do not understand the disease


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