I'll tell you this story


"tok tok tok!"

knocking on the door woke me from sleep. the knocking sounds faster and almost the door collapsed if I did not quickly open it.

"what the hell are you ndra?" I grunted as soon as I know what knocked on the door was Indra. "still in the morning have also banged kamer orang."

"Is this my camera?"

"yeah yes .. I repeat deh, why do early gedor kamer elo?"

"hunt pakean lo!" said Indra remained standing in his place.

"what is emang?"

"sms i go hell ??"

I check the hp still connected to the charger. on the screen there is a full message memory notice. then I immediately delete all messages in the inbox and one new message from Indra number directly entered.

'Echi accident. she was admitted to Dewi S * i Hospital. later I explain again, meet there aja. '

"What do you mean?" my body trembles quite great. I hope that I'm reading this just sms jokes.

"I was going to meet you there, but I do not go in here so I make sure I come here."

"Are you kidding?"

"I know the restrictions of jokes Ri is serious! Last night I get news from his family Echi, I know his family well and they know I'm also in karawang yaa so they ngehubungin my closest friend Echi."

"what's the Echi now?"

Indra breathed heavily.

"he's dying again, his head is bleeding great, that's what I hear from his brother who connects me."

"how come? how about the chronology?"

"Well ... he said he was going to go to the mini market so Echi again, without him know from the right direction there is a motor that speeding and there was a deadly collision, unfortunately the perpetrator of the collision is blurred."

instantly the blood in my body heats up. my bones seemed weak. I sat in silence.

"is not it better now we make sure it's in the hospital?"

I nodded. then after tidying up as necessary I and Indra rushed down.

"lo napa Ndra?" I asked Indra to walk a little trained behind me.

"already three days ago, I was working accident at the factory, banging machine so."

"yes I've aja who brought the bike," I walked to the parking lot. "Which motorcycle is Dul?"

"tuh yang Sup * a item. I again pake have my girl.my motor again down the machine at the garage yesterday."

and the two of us set out for the hospital where the Echi was rushed. it was the dawning of the dawn but I ignored the coldness that pierced the entire bone in the body. we spur through the fog that is still often appear in the morning in karawang. I do not care. like I told you last night at Echi, I'll do anything for her ...

ahh ..... it hurts so much. it was very painful to see her body lying helpless. with the breath still choked in my throat can only be silent to let the ambulance car carrying her body passed from this place.

"Patience yah Ri ..." Indra patted my shoulder slowly. "I know you are the current rasain."

I do not know how long I've been crying. very slow running time.

this morning, I arrived when the team of doctors declared surrender. the bleeding on Echi's head was so great that his life could not be helped. Echi family decided to bury his body in his hometown of Surabaya.

do not need to ask how it feels to lose the person we love so suddenly. totally never thought about this departure. me and Echi are in a harmonious relationship and start talking seriously about our relationship. but now all that lived then. leaving a sting of pain in the heart.

according to the info I got, Echi had an unfortunate accident about eight o'clock at night.

"Impossible!" I'm still looking for the weak point of reality in front of me. "It's Echi here tonight, me and he's standing here! we're hugs!" I pointed to the verandah wall where last night I was sure I was standing beside Echi.

"Ri, the Echi was hit by eight o'clock and was rushed to the hospital at half past nine. Indra tried to explain.

"hold kalo so who are talking with me the same Ndra ??" my voice rises with tears falling. "who I hug it who ??? lo want to say if it is a demon again? !!"

Senses are silent. he did not dare confront me. he again tapped my shoulder trying to calm the emotion that was locking me up.

"I know you really love Echi, he is also affectionate with you, he always tells me if he wants to be the last one for him."

Senses are silent. I'm still crying sobbing.

"I did not say that it was a demon or what it was ... but I'm sure, Echi's presence at that time because he wants to be by your side last time, maybe that's kind of a farewell for you."

sms it! I remember the last SMS from Echi. soon i check hp. but I was stunned, because this morning I remove all inbox on my phone. and in that shock therapy, suddenly I feel everything is dark ....

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