Me and Helpless Dog//untold stories

Brother, there is no difference between me and this helpless street dog! After the death of my mother, I had no one in this world. Now I am a street boy. I live on the footpath at night. I used to collect polythene bags and plastic bottles. No one knows me except some street dogs with whom I eat every day. Several times I have cut my hands and legs badly in a desperate search for food from dustbins to meet my hunger. But most days I find nothing to eat. When I don't find anything to eat I sniff shoe glue in order to forget my hunger and the pains of my body and brain.

Last week at midnight while I was sleeping on the footpath this dog was whining loudly besides my sleeping place. I woke up from that familiar whining sound which is what I always do when I get hurt and feel helpless. I found him injured from being hit by a van lying on the ground helplessly. When I took him on my lap suddenly I felt a connection between us and I held him all night on my lap. However, I was waiting for morning to save his life. In the morning I took him to the nearby pharmacy and by the grace of God he is becoming well. I named my brother dog ‘Lula'.

After the death of my mother my life was actually pointless. I started taking cheap drugs such as shoe glue. But after finding Lula, I find meaning in my life again. Now we stay together. I do take care of him and he never leaves my side for a second. I try to give him good food from what we eat together. Now I carry baggage for passengers at the ferry station and Lula accompanies me. We are earning well together and we eat good food every day. Even just one week ago, I was sniffing glue all the time and slept on footpaths the whole day and night. Now I am trying to leave this habit for Lula because I want to be a good guardian for him. It is not so easy to leave this habit in one week but I promised Lula I will be a very good brother for him. I love my brother more than anything and I will never let him be lonely ever again because I know how loneliness kills you.

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