A terrible accident to Watching GPS !

The era of modern era science and technology. Science has improved most recently than any other time, and its positive effects are being applied in technology. By inventing new technologies, humanity is entering a new dimension.


Recently, such an example has been found in the US. A man driving a car with two friends gave a car on the snow-laden lake, and in the end, when the car was drowned, they survived. At first it seemed that they had lost control of the car or had become addicted to drugs, where they had lost knowledge. But the driver of the vehicle did not even lose control, was not in a panic. She did the job knowingly. And he did it blindly to follow the GPS!
According to the police report, this incident happened in the northeast region of Vermont. While driving the SUV, the driver was following a GPS app, and there he came out of the main street and found an alternate route to cut short. And the person who takes the short cut path thinks right, without further thinking, the car moves forward accordingly. As a result, the car falls on a lake.
It is also known that the driver was using the 'Awesome GPS' app, which collects data from users and gives other users the way to avoid traffic jams or speed cameras. And like many other GPS apps, it owns itself as Google itself.
Three people who survived to die while moving through the WAZ app, its liability falls on Google. In this context, Google spokesman Julie Mosler told USA Today, "Waze apps are edited more than a million times daily according to the daily road conditions. So this is what we call it as the most credible. However, the drivers should keep their eyes on the road during the road movement.
Needless to say, Google's spokesman tried to ignore the liability. But he gave a very important message at the end of his words. People gave birth to technology. But nowadays people are becoming slaves of technology, which should not be done at all. As long as people blindly do not believe in technology and apply their senses, they will be able to use the best of technology and the most benefit. And if technology is to be solved exclusively as the solution or the last word of all, then at some stage of life there is danger inevitable.
Therefore, the request of the reader must be used in many areas of life. But do not let your intellectual and conscience be boxed completely!

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