Invasion of the Snowflakes

Source: Pixelbay

I didn't plan to write a story about this, but I found that it bothered me so I wanted to write something to see if anyone else had this problem and how they felt about it.

I recently wrote an article about something related to my hearing. It was not intended to be a political article in any way; however, I am a direct and honest person on a multitude of subjects and I do not try to couch my views on any issue to appease other people.

Anyway, a person came to my article and made a passive aggressive comment started out saying something nice, but ended with basically telling me that I should re-word something I wrote to avoid offending someone. Now, I am not going to lie. I found this person to be obnoxious and rude. I would not go to someone else's article and suggest they re-word things. She sounded like some type of self-righteous little twat to be quite frank.

However, I tried to handle it graciously and thanked her for the suggestion, but also told her that I stood by what I had said, stated my reasons, and told her that anyone who might be offended was free just not to read my work. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Seemed like that should have been the end of it... But the person actually came back to add more snarky comments.

I honestly could not help but think of all these snotty little pukes running around assaulting people, throwing urine and feces at people, and vandalizing public and private property because they are "offended". What is wrong with these people? It frightens me that there is actually an entire generation that believes that the world revolves around them, their feelings, and their preferences.

I guess this is what we get for being too nice and telling all kids they are "winners", even when they are obviously losers, and giving them all ribbons and trophies just for showing up. From the Greatest Generation to the "Iratist" generation. How did it happen? How do we fix it? I am not sure what the answers are, but I sure hope their is a cure for this. The entitled snowflakes are getting very tiresome.

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