Building a Library #1


My New Years resolution of 2019 was to read as many books as possible throughout the year, the idea of this was the more I read the more knowledge I develop even if it is in different areas. I want to have a small understanding of most things.

So I thought I would bring you along too I’ve alredy read quite a few books which you would expect from it being half way through the year almost, however now I am sharing this with you I hope it will motivate me to read even more!

All the books I read will mainly be non fiction with 1 or 2 fiction books in there that get gifted to me.


So what am I reading right now? I have just started reading No way out. This book is written by major Adam Jowett who served in the British military in Afghanistan, it follows his and his company’s real life story through the horrors of war.

I will continue to read it and my next post will include my thoughts and also what I will be reading.

Have a good day and remember to build your library!

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