Poetry as Medicine: Please No More Apathy

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I AM Angry...I AM Disgusted...

Our government & mainstream media can not be Trusted...

Things need to Change...we DO have the Power...

We need to take our Power back because NOW is the Hour...

Find Your Heart...Find Your Will...

Otherwise there won't be anyone left for them to kill...

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If not Now...how will there be a Later???

I refuse to Believe that we all have become Selfish Haters...

Frozen by Fear...that's NOT an Excuse!!!

Dig down inside Yourself and help to be of Use...

To all fellow Humans...& for our Children...

Don't You remember that we're all supposed to be Brethren???

They are Few...We are Many...

Awaken from your Hypnosis while you still have a penny...

Money is Slavery...as is our government's Priority...

How on Earth did our forefathers give them Authority???

Lack of Education...and lack of Courage...

If You don't do something NOW you'll only be eating porridge...

In a FEMA camp...made for Slaves...

Along with others encoded with the DNA to obey and behave...


This is Freedom???...This is Justice???...

Come on fellow Humans we cannot afford to miss This...

Our Opportunity...to Awaken right Now...

Before we're nothing more than ID #s and a Cash Cow...

For all the Banksters...& the elite...

Whom Believe that they are better than us & we're easy to Defeat...

It's Time to get Angry...& Time to get Pissed..

Before all our possible Options our Missed...


Then calm down...& think Clearly...

There's Everything to lose now that we hold Dearly...

Together We Can...Together we're Strong...

Let's hold hands, share thoughts, and think hard & long...

About what's really Important...& about what really Matters...

If we don't Act now the whole world will be in Tatters...

I Am for Peace...& for Glory...

It's time for Humanity to rewrite our Story...

Remember to Breathe...Stop holding Your Breath...

There's a lot more to Living than just avoiding Death...

Will You Listen???...as my Heart Cries???...

I want us to Wake Up & Unite before Everyone & our Planet Dies...

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There's so much More...so much to be Seen...

Than paying taxes & striving to chase "The American Dream"...

I want More...I want It NOW!!!...

I Believe Whole-Heartedly that we CAN Co-Create How...

I Love You All...met You or not...

Whether you Do or can't...I'm gonna give it my Best Shot...

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Thanx for Listening...and for Being...

Let's all come Together & help each other Seeing...

A new Future..a new Earth...

We have the Ability to co-create a whole New World & ReBirth...

Our Planet...& our Humanity...

I think any thing less would be Absolute Insanity!!!...

It's Time for Peaceful Warriors....Time for a Love Revolution...

No longer will we cede to Corruption, Slavery, Greed, & Pollution...

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Find Your Heart!!!...Find It Now!!!...

There's nothing else for us to find but How...

To create Freedom...& Universal Love...

Screw all the imagery...especially the "white dove"...

Forget Christmas shopping...& worrying about the economy...

We need to Love each other & co-create Harmony...

All over the Earth...All Beings United...

Are You gonna give up without a Fight???...how Short-Sighted...

I Hope Not!!!...I Believe We Will!!!...

Realize We are the 100%...& DON'T take the Blue Pill...

Hug Yourself...Pray for us All...

Together we Stand...Divided We Fall...

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Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk @ rwarriorgoddess

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