The Meetup

Perhaps it may have crossed your mind if you have been reading the previous blog posts that I have had a hard time dealing with life occasions, and maybe even had a strong form of depression. Signs were there at least. But whatever, I am a sensitive guy, who overthinks way too much. It were occasions that can happen in the blink of an eye. Occasions where you have barely any control over. Well, yeah, I got sucked into space where there seemed to be no light waiting for me at all. The pain and all the sadness in my head increased mostly because I focused on it, for the full 97,34%. Kind of a death trap.

If incoming paragraphs equals TL;DR: Scroll down.

To me, the idea of meeting up with people I have talked with for months was kind of exciting, and at the same time it would test my trust-issues, trust that I usually easily put into people for no reason at all. Shit I do that makes it maybe look like that I am ass licking to other people, but I don't really judge or treat people differently in general, so you can say that I reject people that are shallow-minded whenever they think that I am. The idea of traveling again actually felt pretty good. So let's go. Hop on that plane and gtfo that death trap.

It is the 19th of May, 2018. It is the 2nd day of the weekend and tomorrow I would fly back to the Netherlands. Or am I? After meeting all these people and getting to experience the synchronized energy that we share, I didn't really want it to end already. Before going to Tallinn I already talked about it with my roommate that I might want to go to Helsinki afterward since it was just a boat trip away. His last text before flying "Let money not be a barrier, do what you want". As cliché as it sounds like, it actually helped me, by not giving a shit about the size of my bank account. Perhaps to see if I could meet up with the asshole-douchebag, generous, but IMO, undervalued @Acidyo who kind of bailed the fuck out on this trip. His excuse: "I am in a wheelchair fuckface". I tried to convince @Elliotjgardner, the master Shiller of @Smokenetwork and creator of dead chats in the DZ chat every time he talked about the ICO (bro, seeing your passion and ambition made me buy this shitcoin). But without success, so Amsterdam it is! Even the surprising @anomadsoul was trying his best to find his way to Europe, but with bad news on the way he could not make it in the end.

Even though that I've met these three people over the internet, I think we would have had a fucking asshole-trolling-good time with a lot of shitty dad jokes if we were able to meet, perhaps we could discuss some stuff about Steemit in our own way. Why do I talk about them if they weren't even here? Well, they are just assholes for not coming and missing out on this opportunity.

I learned a lot about the Steemians that showed up. For example, I had no idea who @celestal was, I guess he entered the Danger Zone while I was fucking around and had to take a break from Steemit and chat, or @Kristves, who was she? @TheBunBun I only knew because of her gaming and thoughtful boyfriend @BeerCake who I played games with during times when 'normal' people try to get some sleep, sometimes even until dawn. @Eveuncovered, @M31 and @Escapist are people I chatted with in chat, and I think we shared some similarities and in overall, we all have this fucked up humor people usually gets easily uncomfortable with.

So here we are, instead of chatting behind a screen, not knowing exactly 'how' we say and read things there, we are now getting drunk in a park where we could enjoy the part of being together as a group. Laughing at each other for our differences and weird behaviors, but without judgment. You see, this is one of the foundations where friendship could be built upon. No judgment. Be who you are, fuck what others think and realize you are just as weird as someone else might be in your eyes.

Being home now, and reading all the posts about the meet-up, I had some troubles to find a way how to express myself other than just in photographs to tell you guys what more this meet-up brought me on a personal level. Long story short: I haven't slept for 7 months, now I am sleeping like a baby. Mostly because all you guys shared your different perspectives on things without you maybe even realizing. So thanks. I guess I have to say thanks to @eveuncovered as well since she was pretty concerned about me during the trip. Apparently, she has been reading my depressing posts and felt the necessity of helping me out.

To refrain me for further exploitation about the matters of life in a way too long blog-post, just hop on the cheery topics of this blog-posts.

If above paragraphs equals TL;DR: Start here.

This is what we did in Tallinn

@BeerCake and @TheBunBun brought something for all of us: Chocolate balls from Latvia

Danger Zone got Drunk at the 5th most fanciest place in Tallinn. "It's a shithole, but it's our shithole and I like it" - @BeerCake.

If some of us did not know that alcohol has a expiration date, now you do (we went here twice).

We occasionally shilled some eggs during our backpack journey through old-town.

Made hidden in plain sight fruit-cocktails with Gin.

And tested out some various Gin & Tonics, with some snacks.

Had a real shitty rum review I can't even remember having with @BeerCake.

Training our legs by walking about 15km a day.

This is not all we did, there are some moments we didn't capture with our phones or cameras. Guess we totally zoned off for a moment. We had hamburgers, we walked and chatted about Steemit, about its troubles and potential. It was kind of funny because I already thought @BeerCake and me had our similarities because of our humor, we had our good and interesting (drunk or not) discussions over Discord and shared a good amount of time gaming together. It didn't surprise me to hear him throwing one-liners that reminded me of shit I used to say to my brother. I can't remember what he exactly said, (it was kind of that time just outside of the Patcave), but at that moment I laughed. Anyway, we had a lot of fun with the 8+1 of us! I am happy to have finally met the people who I have been chatting with for quite a while and to have met @celestal, @thebunbun, and @kristves (thank you for your hospitality and city-guidance). And obviously, @Greddyforce, who blindly trusted strangers in his house and drove us to magnificent places. All of you may have been a part of my 'healing-process' (insomnia shitty days).

So, in the end... did I go to Helsinki or not? Guess you will find out sooner or later!


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