What is happiness? Where the hearts are

What is happiness? Where the hearts are cheerful কীসে আনন্দ? যেখানে অন্তর খুশি imageSource

What is happiness? Where the hearts are upbeat

An old lady was a kid. The circumstance was exceptionally poor. Multi day the kid said to the mother: There is no statement here. I'd rather go to another city. Possibly the work can be coordinated. We will come back to work after some work. Mother chose to release the kid to the haola of Allah. With his most recent coin put away and some water bread. The kid went while in transit to a market in transit. Meet him with a holy person in that market. The sage shouted out: Does anybody purchase my background in return for a cash? Nobody tuned in to the holy person.

The kid said to himself: I have nothing. The priest which is for its sake, rather offer it to the holy person! Allah is sufficient for us! Allah is the Provider. The kid gave his solitary cash to the holy person and stated: Now let me know.

The holy person stated: "Nobody is content with his position, everybody is cheerful when they go to another level. Be that as it may, I think satisfaction is the place the human personality is glad. No place is a place or multi day. "

The kid went once more. Heading off to the desert, one is in the desert. There, numerous individuals were encompassed by a well. He needed to realize what it is! They stated:

Our train has come here to would like to get water from this well. Everyone came through long way and now everybody parched Horse jackass sheep with us too. In the well inside the mat of pail for water. Be that as it may, the containers all vanished. There is no news of sending the can to the well in the well. I don't have the foggiest idea about what's inside the well!

In the wake of hearing this, the kid said to himself: This is the chance to demonstrate your capacity to agents. At that point possibly one work might be blended in this train. Swung to the procession, stated: "Let me go and see ... what is inside the well"! None of the kafalars had the strength to do as such. All concurred.

The kid firmly tied the rope and hopped into the well. The young fellow inclined toward the mass of the well and gradually went down to the water. Needed to discover containers by submerging water, when a tremendous dark creature came up from the water. The kid got terrified. He welcomed the goliath. The goliath said with a swoon grin: salam salamati brings ... you see adab kayada know. I'll make an inquiry. In the event that you can give the correct answer, let him return and give you water from the well. Also, on the off chance that you answer in reverse, you'll be stuck oblivious and also the past one. imageSource

What does the kid do? It is important to have confidence in The goliath stated: OK. What is the issue! The monster stated: Where is joy or bliss? The kid recalled the holy person. He stated: "Where the psyche is cheerful, there is the place the brain is. Wherever it is in wherever ". The monster was exceptionally glad. He stated: "You are seeing an extremely experienced and savvy beam ... The individuals who resulted in these present circumstances a long time before you said they were in the bug-garden of the earth. While I am here in this dull well, here is my satisfaction. Which I got three things to bring you. Try not to converse with anybody about them until the point when you go home. "

The old man of the old woman expressed gratitude toward the goliath. At that point they took the containers from the water and filled them with water. At that point sent it over. He himself came up from inside the well. Everybody ended up inquisitive. What is the key .. What is within occurrence ... The young fellow gradually opened within the well and said to the convoy. Be that as it may, I didn't say anything in regards to bringing it. The band individuals expressed gratitude toward the young fellow. The young fellow returned with his own particular town. In the wake of achieving the town, the convoy individuals gave him a cow and a double blessing: "We are in your city for quite a while. On the off chance that you need to return, you can run with us and work. " The kid came back to his home subsequent to huffaging with Khusiman Kaflah.

The mother was extremely upbeat to get her kid to go home. Stated: "It's been a ton better ... yet, I didn't think it was too soon ... well ..."

The kid stated: "Mother! God helped me mother Within a brief span, I got a cow and a piece with God's assistance. Following a couple of days, I will have the capacity to movement with the band. Instructed me to work with them ".

During the evening, mother and child play sustenance together. Mother was exceptionally worn out, so she nodded off rapidly On this hole, the kid hauled out a pocket from his pocket and took two pieces. Internal pineapples were sparkling like jewels. The kid was exceptionally cheerful. Seeing truly jewel. He turned out poorly work with the troop.

He got a few bits of precious stone in the market. Offer ​​them and purchase a store. Made some capital. At that point began the exchange and trade business. Regardless of where individuals live, wherever they are, whether they are gaining as much as they can acquire, regardless of how hard they are, whether they are cheerful, at that point this precept says: "Where is bliss? Heart is glad ".

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