Story of The account of the princess and boondahas

The account of the princess and boondahas রাজকুমারী ও বুনোহাঁসের গল্প imageSource

It's been quite a while prior. There was one ruler in one nation, and there was a ruler. The nation was far from the ocean bolts. The lord had eleven children and a girl.

The ruler was extremely satisfied with the young lady. The lord named his name Elisa. The ruler was a glad family with the ruler and youngsters. He was great at the state. Prajara adores Raja in particular. Multi day the bitterness of the lord descended. All of a sudden the ruler kicked the bucket. The surges of pity spread all through the state.

In any case, without the ruler the state does not go. In this way, with so much misery, the ruler again got hitched. In any case, the new ruler was extremely underhanded. He would not have been resolute to the ruler's twelve kids. He generally conversed with the lord against them. To state this, the lord's psyche was once harmed. Lord sent Elijah to the town in the expressions of the ruler. Elijah will work with the ranchers there, and live with them.

The Queen said all the more awful words in regards to the young men than to the ruler. At one time the ruler left his eleven child. The ruler was not cheerful even in this. The young men need to send away some place. They will never result in these present circumstances state again. imageSource

The new ruler knew a great deal of enchantment inside. Multi day he charmed the young men and stated, "Iching bitching! As of now you will turn out to be wild winged creatures and will never have the capacity to talk. "

When he said this, the children of the ruler transformed into eleven wonderful pontoons; And took off.

The day goes, month goes. Elijah is presently greater. His age is presently 15 Multi day, the ruler's heart was shuddering to see Elijah. At that point he sent the errand person to Elijah. Officially, in the wake of getting the news, Elisha left.

Be that as it may, insidious rulers stowed away in the way of camouflage. Elijah was dropping by the street. The Queen got her juice pouring juice on her dark whip. At that point Elijah's hair was totally rearranged.

Elisa went into the royal residence and vanquished the lord. Be that as it may, not the slightest bit did the King perceive Elijah. Elijah was extremely pitiful about this episode. She left the castle and sobbed on her crying.

At the point when the sun sank in the sky, Elijah drew close to a huge woodland. The weariness of the day has secured him. He nodded off in the grass alongside the backwoods. When he woke up, he saw a waterway on his side. The water of the waterway is exceptionally straightforward, it is sparkling. Elisha went down in the water and inhaled a jump. The unmistakable water of the waterway washed ink even with Elijah. Instantly Elijah ended up being as old as ever.

Princess Elijah again began strolling through the woodland. Going a short time he met an old lady. Elijah got some information about welcome his senior sister. imageSource

The old lady stated, "I didn't perceive any of the ruler going to go there. Be that as it may, I saw eleven pigs wearing brilliant crown on the shoreline. "

Elisa started to stroll in the foot of the waterway along the riverbed. Some time ago the waterway fell into the ocean. Elijah's street finished. Strolling around the shoreline, he got eleven white quills of wild pig. What's more, at night he took a gander at the sky and saw the ducks. The elephants wearing brilliant crown on their head are flying over the line; It appears like flying a white pail.

At the point when the remained descended gradually, Elijah remained adjacent to him. At the point when the sun set in the west sky, every one of the plumes tumbled from the fowls and Elijah came back to her eleven sibling. The senior sibling revealed to Elijah that when the sun goes down they end up human. Be that as it may, when the sun rises, they will progress toward becoming fowls once more. He likewise said that they are situated on the thirteen stream of seven Samududur waterways. In any case, in the year they may just go to the homeland for eight days.

At a young hour the following morning, Elijah was put on a sheet of sibling. At that point they nibbled the edges of the sheets and flew over Elijah with seven bodies on the thirteen waterway. They went all in all day with Elijah. Prior to the night they descended on a green island. The island is exceptionally excellent. Throughout the day around the ocean waves play.

After the entire day, the siblings nodded off. Elijah excessively nodded off while taking a gander at the ocean for some time.

Between dozing, Elisa took a gander at a couple of dreams. Morgan-Lee-Fee

Eliga stated, "You can spare your siblings on the off chance that you wish. On the off chance that you can wear a coat for every one of them, they will wind up human once more. Notwithstanding, hence, weave cotton from the prickly leaves and weave it with the yarn. "

Elijah was extremely cheerful to find out about the circumstance. She stated, "I need to begin the activity today."

He stated, 'There is a more troublesome condition here. There can be no discussion on the face before the finish of the considerable number of dresses. On the off chance that you say a word, at that point your siblings will pass on. "

Elijah awakens ahead of schedule to wake up. He gathered different prickles of wilderness from the wilderness. At that point they started to pull yarn hard. His hand began to rub through the thornbone. Be that as it may, he didn't stop.

On that day a lord went to the timberland to chase. He was strolling along these lines. All of a sudden he saw Elijah. What a delightful young lady is sitting in this profound timberland? imageSource

The lord is extremely inquisitive. He requested that Elijah realize what he was doing. Be that as it may, Elijah did not reply. Since he knows, whether he talks a word, at that point his siblings will pass on.

The ruler was exceptionally kind to the young lady, feeling defenseless and stupid. He removed Elijah from the pony and conveyed it to the royal residence. After some time, the lord was entranced by Elijah and wedded her.

Elijah's brain was bad even with the ruler. She generally cry To stop Elijah crying, the lord conveyed the shirt produced using wilderness to Elijah, leaving the yarn and prickly leaves left.

Seeing these works of Elijah, one of the ruler's priests saw him in suspicious eyes. The clergyman is considering, Elijah is a conjurer. He generally kept Elijah in the eye. That is the lord's ears. In any case, the lord did not trust it.

Elijah awakens in the night and sings for the siblings.

Multi day, the yarn went out in the night. He fled to gather thorny leaves from the royal residence. Elijah rapidly went to the burial ground. From that point he gathered numerous leaves and brought it.

The clergyman advised Elijah to go to the grave during the evening and told the lord. The following day Elijah went to the burial ground, and the ruler saw it in his own eyes.

For the most part there are magicians who come to get frogs in the night to perform different enchantment. At the point when Elijah saw Elijah in his own eyes, the ruler had confidence in his pastor. Elijah is certainly a conjurer. Else he couldn't go to the burial ground alone during the evening. Ruler Elijah reported capital punishment.

Elijah was detained in jail. Be that as it may, he will invest energy wearing the garments as long as he lives. The garments, yarn and leaves were given to him. Elijah thought, possibly he won't meet with his siblings and siblings in this life. Be that as it may, he continued wearing the garments painstakingly.

Gradually Elisa's life reached an end. He was taken to the hanging stage. The horde of the general population of the state tumbled down.

Elijah look aluthaloo Hair is rearrange Elijah does not mind at any rate. He's adapting rapidly. Before you bite the dust, you have to complete the robe. In the event that some time his siblings get these, they will again turn into the sovereign.

The insidious individuals who circumvented taking a gander at the group stated, "Look, the state of the conjurer young lady. We should detach his garments. "

The insidious individuals truly began to come to Elijah.

Elijah was anxious. Will they truly detach the shirt? Around then eleven pigs descended from the sky and encompassed the Elijah. There is never again time for Elijah. He was exceptionally glad to see his siblings last time. She immediately heaved her sew eleven fabric towards eleven siblings. Furthermore, the wild pig turned into a great looking ruler.

Presently Elijah can talk.

He grinned and said to the ruler, "Now I have no issue. I can talk now I have no fault. "

Eleven siblings, together with their sister, stated, "Our sisters are guiltless."

The senior sibling came and told the lord every one of the certainties. The lord was extremely cheerful to hear the senior sibling. He took Elijah back once more. He was satisfied with Elijah and displayed a gold quill.

The ruler and Elijah came back with their eleven siblings to the royal residence. The general population of the state were extremely glad to catch wind of this news. The floods of happiness cleared over the state. Eleven days and eleven evenings of celebrations proceed with the eleven siblings at the lord's home. imageSource

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