Fragments of a Broken Mind: Chapter I

I remember once looking up, to a purple-ish blue sky. There were 3 moons, one facing North, one facing South, and one facing West. Or they may have been facing three equal lengths apart, from my point of view it was hard to tell. The moons were lit up so brightly, like burning beacons. It was so peaceful, I didn't even realize that I wasn't looking into my own normal sky. Everything just seemed...nice. I started to turn my head around, doing it slowly, as if to not be startled...or maybe I thought if I moved too quickly, it would all fade away. The sky and earth around me were not dark, even though it would seem it was night time, all 3 moons were high in the sky..and there was a strong chill in the air. You could say there was just a feeling...of night time. The sky however, was swirling with purple and blue colors. I can't be sure if they were clouds..or what, but the sky...oh that sky. That sky cannot be forgotten. Swirling purple and blue ribbons, three bright, white moons nestled comfortably high in the sky. I couldn't take my eyes away. I turned all about, every which way, taking in all the colors around me. My entire body felt overwhelmed, as if I had stumbled upon something, that not even my imagination could have ever gazed upon.

I could feel the cold breeze rushing past me, however, the wind didn't seem to make a sound. I never heard the wind like you normally do, whistling through the trees, or rustling up the water. Of course that struck me as odd, but I also had not looked at anything other than the sky, I was completely enthralled by it. I look down first, questioning if I even had clothes on. Before that first moment, I only remember going to the living room to watch Netflix, next thing I know...three moons. I looked down, I was wearing pajamas, but I suppose I hadn't had the good sense to put on shoes. Underneath my feet, green grass, flowers, dirt, that part, at least...feels normal. I look around me, only to notice a fog, or haze maybe. I could see clearly, but it was as if I was looking through something. I didn't see any buildings. However, I saw what looked like caves, or domes with openings, coming out of the hills. As I started to walk near the closest one to me, I was back in my living room, remote in hand. I hadn't felt anything, no physical sensations, no intuitions of any kind. I was just sitting there, watching cartoons, as if I had always been right there...

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