Build house duafa

Build a house duafa

# Minimum Two Units per Year

Bireuen Regent Saifannur SSos asks the gampong device in the area to not hesitate to build a house duafa using the village budget. Each gampong is even allowed to build at least two units per year or as needed, consequently reducing the poverty rate in the district.

"There has been a regent regulation since 2017, in which the village funds are justified to build houses of unfaithful duafas," said Bireuen Regent Saifannur SSos to Serambi yesterday.

Described, the number of uninhabitable houses in Bireuen reaches thousands of units and spread in Samalanga to Gandapura. Steps taken by accelerating development to help the poor, using government-funded village aid funds every year.


"Village aid money is government money. Its use has been arranged in such a way and Bireuen has already issued regulations on the necessity of the village to build a house duafa, "

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If every village builds two houses, then 1,218 units of houses can be built per year.

Two years ago, the number of uninhabitable houses in Bireuen reached 8,000 units. Some have been built by the local government in stages. Currently estimated there are still 6,000 more units that require government attention. This information was submitted by Head of Bireuen Social Service, Drs Murdani to Serambi, Tuesday (10/4) yesterday.

Specified Murdani, rehab unfit habitation has been done since 2012 and through the source of funds APBN, APBA, oil and gas funds, Otus and APBK. In addition there is also assistance from Baitul Mal Bireuen against burning houses and rehab houses, which amounted to tens of units in the last four years. The total number of uninhabitable houses that have been repaired 2,748 units, each unit assisted Rp 10 million. "About 6,000 more units need government attention," he said.

Mentioned, the existence of Bireuen Regent regulations related to the allocation of funds to build a house duafa is one appropriate step for the acceleration of reducing the poor who occupy the house unfit for habitation. Each village was asked to build two units and rehabilitate them according to need based on the agreement of the village apparatus.

This is the only thing I can explain, so thank you.





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